Video Blog: Joy-Full Fun #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


I am not a fun-hater. Really I am not. But sometimes, you might think that.

Not because I deliberately avoid fun, but because I am a professional excuse-maker and rarely go in search of fun.

But this year, with my OneWord REST in full force, that is all changing.

Check out today’s hilarious (and rather informal) video blog about my quest for rest– and a more joy-full, fun life.

BTW: This video blog features a special guest appearance by a very special person, who happens to have blond hair, a dirty face and loves the great outdoors.

If you are reading via email, click here to watch the video.

So friends: On a scale of one to ten, how much fun are you having in your everyday? What needs to change to make life more joy-full? Join the conversation and leave a comment below.

Now if you will excuse me, because I think there is sunshine to play in and flowers to pick.

Finding Faithful Fun,

Initials Signature Blog

“Be joyful always…” ~1 Thessalonians 5:16

7 Days Time
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