In the Bottom of Your Sink

You might have noticed that in this current season,  Wednesdays are my days to work toward some super-awesome God-sized dreams. So here is a blast from the past straight from the archives. Enjoy, dear friends… and thanks for the grace. 


Who would you say that your everyday hero is?

Perhaps it is your spouse. A parent. A child. A mentor. Maybe it’s the law enforcement officers or firefighters or soldiers (or maybe if you are  like me, it is your soldier spouse…)

In addition to those awesome hero’s listed above, my hero is any person who had the courage to clean out the drain in the bottom of the kitchen sink. [Read more…]

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Ink Pen in the Dryer

You recognize it immediately.  You feel like you have been sucker punched. Your breath gets cut short. You gasp. Your heart leaps into your throat and your stomach drops. There it is…

The aftermath of… an ink pen in the dryer. [Read more…]

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In the Bottom of Your Sink

Who would you say that your everyday hero is?

Perhaps it is your spouse? A parent? A child? A mentor? Maybe it’s the law enforcement officers or firefighters or soldiers (or maybe if you are lucky like me, it is your soldier spouse…)

In addition to those awesome hero’s listed above, my hero is any person who had the courage to clean out the drain in the bottom of the kitchen sink. [Read more…]

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Squeaky Clean & Lemony fresh

My house is *currently* clean.  Please excuse me for one moment as I do a happy dance.

Ok, I’m back. I don’t really like to clean. Seriously, ask prior roommates (Kally Hood-Smith, specifically) and they will back me up on this one.  I mean, I will TRY to keep a slight handle on the clutter and do dishes often enough to avoid growing anything fuzzy in my sink, but as far as deep cleaning, I really need an outside reason to make it happen. Thanks to being brought up by my wonderful mama, my motivation is found when “company is coming.” [Read more…]

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