21 Truths: God Is Sovereign

I must admit that sometimes I don’t have all the answers.

Google is one of my best friends when it comes to the mundane questions that I have: Can you eat sour cream past its expiration date? How can I keep moss from growing in my yard? What are the symptoms of a mold allergy?

Although Google is a mighty powerful tool, it doesn’t have all the answers either.

Especially when it comes to the hard stuff.

Like the questions I am asked as a minister.

Why do bad things happen to good people? Why is the army sending us to that duty station right now? What is the reason that my grandfather is dying of cancer? How do I every forgive my spouse for having an affair?

Those questions can’t be answered by Google. Those questions can only be answered by God. And fortunately for us, He knows all the answers because of this truth:

God is Sovereign.

God is Sovereign

Let’s unpack this truth a little bit. First of all: What exactly does “sovereign” mean? When used in terms of God, it signifies authority. He has the ultimate power over our lives.

And that power is not like the selfish power we see in today’s world– it is power rooted in unconditional love. Every little tiny event that does (or does not) happen in our lives is a direct result of God’s sovereignty in our lives.

He is behind every circumstance. Every birth. Every death. Every sickness. Every healing. Every joy. Every pain.

God is sovereign. He has all the authority of heaven and earth.

Now before you go shaking your fist at Him for those unanswered questions or hard decisions you are currently facing, remember that all  of the things you experience under His sovereignty is rooted in the aforementioned unconditional love.

God’s sovereign plans are perfect… even if we are too close to see it. It is true, dear friends… We might never get the answers to our tough questions this side of heaven. I personally hope that when I do get to heaven, Jesus invites me on whatever the heavenly equivalent is of a Starbucks coffee date so we can just talk…

Talk about the events of my life and be able to see that big picture. I am confident that every hardship, every trial, every everything is for my own good in Christ Jesus. Because I fully believe and trust in His sovereignty.

I just might not have the eyes to see it today.

In what areas of your life does this truth about God’s sovereignty bring you hope and comfort? I love to hear from you. Please comment below. (Or if you are in need of prayer, submit your request here.)

Remember that God is behind every seemingly random event or challenging circumstance. And He is not a God who is showing off His power just to prove a point or to bully you like burning ants through a magnifying glass. It’s the opposite. His sovereignty is a blessing, a gift, a very detailed and meticulous part of His Holy Plan for our lives.

Embrace this truth and trust that God is sovereign.

Resting in His power,

Initials Signature Blog

“Sovereign Lord, you are God! Your covenant is trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant.” ~2 Samuel 7:28 NIV

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