The Ultimate Hero (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday

Happy Friday, all.

With Friday comes a special writing challenge, Five Minute Friday. Each week I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker (who has a book coming out April 1st– no foolin’– you should pop over and check it out!) She give us a prompt. Then, yep, you guessed it, we write.

For five minutes flat.

No extensive strategy or thought process. We just let the words flow.

Here we go!

Today’s Prompt: HERO




Photo via Jason Taellious @ Flickr

Whenever I hear the word hero, so many images flood my head.

I think of my little brother, when he was still little. He is almost 16 now, driving vehicles, in high school, with a girlfriend. We are 12 years apart. But when little brother was still little, we were best friends. In fact, when he was learning to talk, he rarely said my name… Instead, he called me “Hero.”

 When I think of a hero, I think of my husband. A soldier. An infantryman at that. A man who has risked his life for a total of 40 months away in a desert to serve his country. A man who lays down his life for my daughter and I daily, just as Christ did for the church. I love him as my husband, my encourager, my hero.

But really, when I dig deeper and think of the ultimate hero, I can’t help but think of my blessed Savior. My Jesus. The One who paid it all for this wretched sinner. He gave His life for me. And for you. And for all the world. He left His heavenly throne to become a man, a man who would later hang on that cross until He breathed his last.

And as he uttered those final words, “It… is… Finished…” He sealed His fate as the ultimate hero of the world.

Our ultimate hero is the Risen Christ.

Our God is not dead. He is surely alive.

And He was a hero then, is a hero now, and a hero He will forever be.



What are your thoughts? Who is your hero? How do you feel when you really stop to think what Christ did for us?  I always love to hear from you. Leave a comment below and join the conversation. (If you are reading via email, click here.)

Thanks so much for your readership and your support of this ministry. God is moving and working and we are blessed to be a part of it!

To the Glory of God Alone,

Initials Signature Blog

 “God isn’t the God of dead men, but of the living. To him all are alive.” ~Luke 20:38 MSG

PS: Today is the LAST DAY for you to take advantage of our New Year “Get Started” Coaching Special. Don’t miss it!

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