My New-ish Niche (And Some Big Life Changes)

Hey friends! I know. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve last blogged.

Other than my blog teasers to my monthly Army Wife Network posts, I have literally written ONCE since May. (Remember? That was my post about WHY I wasn’t writing much… because things were starting to taste a bit like charcoal, aka, I was getting a bit burnt out.)

This post isn’t going to be full of excuses as to WHY I haven’t written much, because hey– no excuses needed when one works for “Jesus dollars.” But I AM still alive AND I (still) love Jesus! We all know that sometimes being obedient to Him doesn’t make a lot of sense (to the general public– or ourselves) in the moment.

But now? Now, it makes A LOT of sense. After five straight years of hardcore ministry and shepherding, my husband and I received a clear word that this new season of life was to be a transition, not just in a “home” location with the military, but in our walk with the Lord. We were to move from being shepherds to sheep.

Great theory. Hard to put into practice. I feel like I am learning to walk again– sometimes running around with my hair on fire yelling, “WHAT DO I DO WITH MY HANDS!?!?!”

But during the in-between moments of learning how to “sheep” (can that be a verb?), I have found renewal. Replenishment. Waves of joy.

Clearly, I am right where I need to be. I don’t know why I am so surprised. It’s like He knows what I need or something. (I’m apparently a slow learner…)

So, first things first…

In the last few months, all this has happened:


Yes, for those of you faithful blog followers who aren’t connected to all things Facebook, it’s been a rather eventful last few months.

We’ve moved from Washington State to Georgia, per military orders. (It was a quite the”hurry up and wait” experience. A play-by-play travel log blog series is coming soon, documenting my humorous take on our adventures.)

My husband has now started a new role with the army as a Ranger school instructor.

Oh. And did I forget to mention that I am now growing another Tiny Human to add to our family? (This pic is when I was about 11.5 weeks… I am now 22 weeks and counting. HOORAY!)

So yeah. Although I haven’t been cranking out the blogs, the Knobloch fam has been just a tad bit busy. Cover that all with God’s new call for us to transition our hearts from shepherd-to-sheep… and it’s been quite the trip.

But remember how I said the blogging break was for a purpose, even if I couldn’t see it much in the moment? Well, not only have I been trying to be more present with my family and enjoy (as much as I can) the cooking-of-a-tiny-human since the #StateofTheUterus is now occupied, but the Lord also wanted me to take a step back and re-evaluate the direction of 7 Days Time and all we do here.

After a few weeks, I realized that my niche was being more refined and defined. For the last five years, I have kind of just generally blogged about Jesus in our Everyday, which was on point for the season… But the pressures of ministry had slowly made me way more serious/pessimistic than God had originally designed me.

See, I so enjoy making people laugh. I like being a wee bit sarcastic and creative in my thought process.

So now, I rejoice that 1) 7 Days Time WILL continue and 2) I have a more defined niche.

We will still be talking about all things Jesus up in here. But I will also be focusing a bit more about finding the humor in everyday life as a milspouse, mama and Christ-follower (not necessarily in that order.)

As far as I can gather, our new tag line here at 7 Days Time will go a little something like this:

“Serious about faith. Light-hearted about Life.”  

All in favor? Sweet. (Anyone opposed, feel free to take it up with the Big Man.)

Yep. That’s where are at and where we are headed. I am excited to start sharing the light-hearted side of life while we seriously run after Jesus.

And can I just say– I am so excited that you are still with me on this journey. Thanks for sticking around. Stay tuned for the light-hearted shenanigans that is our life of walking with Christ.

Always For Him,

Initials Signature Blog

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.”
~Proverbs 31:25

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