Oh Mercy!

There are some people in this world that I just want to be like.

Well. Not completely. But some of their specific attributes.

It’s not usually to the level of envy (at least I don’t think it is) but I do aspire to learn from and emulate a few folks in my circle.

Such as:

My husband, who has such unshakable faith that nothing really ever seems to rock his foundation.

My Mama, who is beyond patient, loving and maternal.

My Mama-in-Love Lex, who is ridiculously creative and fashionable.

My friend Carlie, who has such a grace-filled and loving heart.

My friend Lauren, who runs after Jesus hard and is just such an incredible vessel of wisdom.

My friend Dani, whose heart of perseverance inspires me to no end.

My friend Becca, whose authenticity is unmatched.

My friend Lindsey, who is just straight-up hilarious.

I could go on for days.

One more group of people I want to be like are those who just radiate and ooze Christ’s mercy.

(Bonus if they actually say the phrase “Oh Mercy!” Because it is so darn cute.)


See, here’s the thing: Mercy/compassion is literally at the bottom of my spiritual gift list.

I know God didn’t make a mistake in that, but sometimes I can’t help but wish He would clink it up a notch or twelve. Because when someone approaches me with a need or concern, my initial gut reactions include one or more of the following:

  1. Suck it up, Buttercup 
  2. Embrace the Suck
  3. Keep Calm and Soldier on

It is often quite a holy stretch for my heart to immediately break and extend massive amounts of mercy. (I am not an outwardly mean person… but I think I REALLY need Jesus in this department to make me merciful.)

This idea of mercy has been really seeking to blossom in my life lately, especially in our marriage. We are going through a stormy season (don’t worry– we are still good– God is at work!) and God is nudging (ok, pushing me continually) to extend abundant grace and mercy to my Beloved Husband.

You might ask why? Well, we all know the answer.

Because God has given us grace/mercy/forgiveness– and so we are to give it to others, even if it takes ever ounce of Christ-like submission and will power in our being.

It’s a fact: Extending forgiveness and mercy is not a choice. It’s a commandment. Not only so, but it is an act of obedience.

I will let that sit right for a moment.

That truth stings a bit, huh?

God has been (lovingly) working my heart over the last few months with what feels like a meat tenderizer. It’s a great big-picture task– but not the most pleasant in-the-moment experience on the planet.

Friends, on a scale of 1-10, how merciful are you? What needs to change? What tips do you have for me to continue to extend mercy and compassion to others? Leave your comments here.

Oh. And pray for me in this, will ya? Super pumped to see what God does with my heart/mind/soul/strength… And also hoping that I start including the adorably cute (and true) phrase of “Oh Mercy!” in my daily vocabulary.

Thanking Him for Mercy,

Initials Signature Blog

Linking up today with Kelly,   Laura at Playdates with God,  Joan’s  Beauty in His Grip  and Hazel via  Tell Me a Story. Be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday! 

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