Spiritual Duct Tape

I am relatively certain we have about twelve rolls of duct tape lying around the house.

Our rolls go by several different names and appearances, like the classic silver duct tape, colored duct tape, Gorilla tape, and my personal favorite, the military version “100 mile-per-hour tape.”

But all serve essentially the same purpose– put things back together or hold something into place.

I love duct tape. I love it so much in fact, that I wore a duct tape outfit to senior prom. 

Over the years, I have used duct tape for a variety of quick-fixes, and my husband will attest the same. But with that strategy, I have also learned that duct tape is only a temporary fix.

As time passes, the duct tape starts to stretch or weaken. If it gets REALLY wet, it turns into a big wad of fibrous glue. If it gets to dry, it starts to peel and crack.

Duct tape words great– for a while. Then we must find a more permanent solution.

Spiritual Duct TapeNot surprisingly, this lesson also applies to our spiritual lives– especially when it comes to using spiritual duct tape to fix our brokenness.

Spiritual duct tape can show up in a variety of forms. Perhaps it is the “stuff” method, shoving our brokenness away with the “out-of-sight-out-of-mind” principle engaged. On other occasions, it is the insincere “Sure-I-forgive-you-but-not-really-deep-in-my-heart.”

Then there is the Duct tape cover up. “I am really stressed, so I think I will eat a whole carton of ice cream/exercise until I can’t stand/binge watch a mindless TV show/drink just one extra glass of wine/click that computer site that I know I shouldn’t.

Of course, we can’t forget the duct tape blame game. “It is not really my fault. XYZ made me do it.”

What about the Fake-it-til-we-make-it version? “I will go to church and pray as long as people are watching– then surely no one will know about my brokenness and eventually I will heal, right?”

One really popular spiritual duct tape brand is the Procrastination variety. “It’s ok. I just won’t think about it today. I will deal with my issue/sin/heart junk another day when it is more convenient/easier.”

I could most certainly go on.

But here is the point: When we are broken (and let’s be honest, who isn’t?) we have to go to the source for permanent restoration. When we act on our suggested fixes from our flesh, other people or even the half-truth lies of the enemy, it might superficially look like we have fixed the problem, but eventually our “quick fix” will shatter like duct tape that sat in the sun for too long.

The permanent solution for our brokenness is not made of shiny, silver spiritual duct tape. It is made out of two pieces of wood, streaked with red.

It is that linen cloth neatly folded on the flat rock.

It is that rolled-away stone.

Our permanent-fixer-upper is none other than Jesus Christ Himself.

He endures, adheres and even looks so much better than a glob of spiritual duct tape placed over that hole in our heart.

So friends, today I ask: Are you using any versions of spiritual duct tape in your life as a quick fix? If yes, what does that look like? What action will it take to allow Christ in to permanently put us back together with complete restoration? Jump in and leave a comment.

Know that overcoming our tendency to slap on a strip of spiritual duct tape won’t be easy. But know that Christ makes all things new.

So “stick” with Him. #PunIntended

Held Together by Christ,

Initials Signature Blog

“…All the broken and dislocated pieces of the universe—people and things, animals and atoms—get properly fixed and fit together in vibrant harmonies, all because of his death, his blood that poured down from the cross.” ~Colossians 1:20 MSG

Linking up today with Kelly,   Laura at Playdates with God,  Joan’s  Beauty in His Grip,  Jen over at Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood,  and Hazel via  Tell Me a Story. Be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up  community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday! 

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