STAND ~ A One Word 2013 Review (And a challenge!)

With just a couple weeks left in 2013, tis that time of year for reflection.

It’s sure been a year. Whew. I think I need a nap. Or maybe some caffeine.

While it has been a busy year full of changes, it has also been a blessed year. Not just in circumstances (we have had our fair share of challenges) but really in heart growth toward Jesus.

My “One Word for 2013″ really contributed to that incredible growth.

If you are just joining me here at 7 Days Time, let me catch you up: Starting in 2012, God impressed upon my heart to start living out a “word” per year. 2012 was dependence/trust and this year’s word was STAND.

STAND One Word Button Image

And before I pray about a word for 2014, it only seems right to share with you some revelations from this year.

There have been many moments over the past moments where I felt weak… I wanted to quit… Give up. With a soldier husband, new baby, cross-country move and re-launch of this ministry, I sometime felt overwhelmed like I couldn’t move.

But the great news is that I didn’t have to move. God wanted me to stand.

Stand still and know that He is God, totally in control of everything.

Stand firm when my faith or mission was questioned, resting on His faithfulness to the call on my life.

Stand tall when Satan tried to take me out during my weakest moments.

Stand on the Rock that is solid and never fails.

Stand with arms high and heart abandoned in total surrender in moments of uncertainty.

Stand in awe of Him, praising His glory and eternal goodness.

Yes, even with all of our activity, changes and moving about, 2013 was a year for me to STAND.

As I look back on this year, I am filled with gratitude. God’s promises still stand true for my life. He has never faltered, never wavered. He has never failed me.  And I have a sneaky suspicion that He is not about to start.

God’s promises stand the test of time– even words written thousands of years ago are still pertinent and applicable to our lives today. And for that, I couldn’t be more grateful.

So friends, I would like to issue a challenge to you. Spend some time in prayer over the next couple of weeks and ask God if He has a word for you in 2014. Listen, pray, rest. Read the Bible and see what pops out or how He speaks to you.

It is such an empowering experience and a great way to stay focused on God year-round. (Plus, I have a cool surprise for all subscribers come January– so be sure to subscribe to 7 Days Time in the upper right hand side of this screen for a neato freebie coming very soon!)

Would you let me end this post with a prayer? Great. Thanks. 😉

“Father, thank you for your never-ending faithfulness. I praise you for your remarkable and timeless promises. Your foresight to have your servants pen those words so long ago give such encouragement to our current-day hearts. Thank you for 2013 and allowing me to fully live out my One Word. Thank you for helping me to stand when I was weak and upholding me through all events.

God, I pray for 2014,  we can feel your presence every day. Place a word on my heart to live out for you in the coming year. Also, if you are calling any of your faithful followers reading this post to have a word for 2014, make it very apparent to them and give them courage to act on it. Allow us to be a community of supporters and encouragers in the coming months. Thank you, Abba, for your grace, your knowledge and your love. AMEN.”

Thanks for your support this year, sweet friends and followers. I am so looking forward to new-God adventures in 2014, within our One Words and beyond!

Still Standing,

Initials Signature Blog

“But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.” ~Luke 8:15

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