12 Prayers of Christmas (Printable)

Ahhh… Praying and Christmas go hand in hand like hot chocolate and marshmallows… Like bows on presents… like…

Well, you get my drift.

I am firm believer that we are called to stay focused on Christ during the Christmas Season. It’s not about the presents under the tree or what we are making for Christmas dinner or how many Christmas parties we have been invited.

It’s about Jesus. Period. The end.

But man… With the world shouting “PAY ATTENTION TO ME! I’M BRIGHT AND SHINY!!” it sure is hard to stay focused.

So I wanted to share with you these printable “12 Prayers of Christmas” to help you keep your heart and mind focused this season.

Print these prayers off and start praying them now, or 12 days before Christmas (that would be December 13th… But no worries if you start later. They are short little prayers.) Pray one per day counting down the days til Christmas. You can do this individually in your quiet time or as a family devotional.

And if you are feeling really festive, you can add the prayers each night… Praying Day 1 every day, then adding Day 2, then Day 3 etc so then you are praying through all 12 at once.

Just click the little blue link below and get started.

12 Prayers of Christmas Printable12 Prayers of Christmas Printable

Move as the spirit leads… Enjoy these prayers and have a very blessed Christmas this year.

Happy Birthday Jesus,
Initials Signature Blog

“’The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel’” (which means “God with us”.) ~Matthew 1:23

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  1. Bernadine Srocki says:

    I was searching for prayers to either match the song 12 Days of Christmas or just prayers to fit the 12 days following Christmas. I found this and liked it so much that I shared your link on my Facebook page. Thank you! Wishing you peace, love, and joy… Bernadine

  2. That’s so incredible, it shows Christians that it’s not about the presents under the tree, or what we’re doing for Christmas dinner, or how many Christmas parties we’ve been invited to, but Jesus. We also believe we are called to remain Christ-focused. Such prayers help Christians rely on Jesus alone. Thank you, this is going to be a great support.

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