A letter to the Broken (#EverydayJesus Link-Up)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Faith fact: Ministry is hard. Like cry-until-your-eyes-are-puffy hard. But it is totally worth it, times ten.

I am currently experiencing the hardest season of ministry of my life. You know that part in the bible that talks about bearing one another’s burdens and mourning with those who mourn?

Yeah. Totally wish that wasn’t in there. Because I have been grieving, encouraging and praying for several close friends and I swear– it feels like my heart is in about a million pieces.

But here is the good news: even in our hurt, God is there. So this is a word He shared with me to pass along during our most grief-striken, broken moments.

I pray that this “Letter to the Broken” speaks to any hurting, cracked or shattered hearts that might read it.


My dear Beloved one, 

I see your brokenness and I am sorry that it has come to this. I know it is hard to understand but this is not your fault. It is, however, part of My sovereign plan. Long before the world was formed, I knew this day would come. I have great purpose in this trial, so My greatest request of you in this moment of grief is to trust Me through this. 

Trust Me to use this for good. 

Trust Me to restore what has been broken. 

Trust Me to walk with you every step of the way. 

Trust Me to speak when you are desperately listening. 

Trust Me to carry you through this circumstance. 

Trust Me to affirm that this storm is light and momentary compared to the glory that will be revealed to you. 

Trust Me to give you rest in the midst of turmoil. 

Trust Me to guild and protect your mind and heart when you sincerely petition. 

Trust Me to move mountains. 

Trust Me to heal. To love. To redeem. To finish this good work I have started in you. 

It is ok to grieve. You are experiencing loss. You feel alone. You can’t see the next step. But believe Me when I say I will give you back more than you have lost. I will never leave or forsake you. I will light your path and lead you into life everlasting. 

I, the Lord and your God, am the only One who can save you. My opinion is the only One that matters. No person, circumstance or pain will ever be greater than Me. Trust that I am big enough. 

Broken LetterI am the Author of Truth. These plans, although painful in the moment, are not to harm you, but to provide an avenue of spiritual prosperity and an ever-deepening relationship with Me. Your reward is waiting. Come to Me and receive it in full. 

I know you want to “fix” this. Drastic action seems like the only possible answer. But please, listen when I say to only take orders that come directly from Me. The enemy of your soul will try to convince you to take matters into your own hands. His lies will say that I cannot handle this. But those words are just that– LIES. Blatant lies that bring death. I am the Giver of Life. Release your life into My Hands and watch Me work. Be still and I will fight for you. I promise. 

Do whatever it takes to seek Me. Spend time in My Word. Pray. Rest. Be grateful no matter how impossible it might appear. Remember that ALL things are possible with Me. I am in your corner. I am for you, so really– who can be against you? 

Persevere, my beautiful one. Even when you have no tears left to cry, no energy to move forward, and your hope seems to have vanished, hang in there. Look to the Cross. By the blood of My Son, there is ALWAYS hope. 

Remember who I AM. I created the heavens and the Earth. I parted the sea for millions to pass. I heal the sick, give sight to the blind, raise the dead to life. 

Now, My darling child: Do you truly believe I will take care of you? Do you have the faith of a mustard seed to let me work in and through you? If the answer is even just a whispered, sobbing yes, then come with Me. I will lead you down a path of peace. 

Breakthrough is coming. Wait on Me. Stay with Me. Cling to Me. Take heart in Me. Trust Me. Believe Me. 

For I will deliver you. 


For Him,

Initials Signature Blog

“Be still and I will fight for you.” ~Exodus 14:14

7 Days Time

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