At Work Before We See It #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 

PS: Just as a heads up, I will be on a “Blogging Vacation” for the next 10 days or so as I am co-facilitating a national conference in Kentucky, then spending some time with family in Kansas. So until then, be blessed! 


When things fall apart, it is so, SO easy to start doubting God.

His love. His plan. His purpose.

But if I have learned one thing in my years walking (ok, sometimes barely stumbling) with Jesus, it is that He is always behind the scenes at work long before we see it.

He is like the guy who is the first one to clock in each day and the last one to leave. (Only He doesn’t take vacations or extended lunch breaks.)

I remember an experience from a few years ago where now I see that God was at work, long before we saw it.

My husband and I had been married for like twenty minutes. (Ok, like 4 months.) We got married two months after he returned from a deployment, had a couple of months together, then he rolled out from our Kansas home to South Carolina for drill sergeant school.

Sidenote: I am pretty sure it says somewhere in the Old Testament that newly-wedded men are supposed to take a year off from serving in the army so they can spend the first year with their new wife. But I guess Uncle Sam skipped that part. I digress…

Any who, hubs leaves, he successfully meets the rigorous requirements to become a drill sergeant and I fly to South Carolina for graduation.

Sweet, sweet reunion. All was well with the world.

Until we begin our drive home.

At WorkThat first day goes OK until we hit Tennessee. (Or was it Kentucky?) Our rocking and rolling down the interstate was completely stopped by the most epic traffic back-up I have ever experienced in my life.

It was hours before traffic was moving again, so we arrived much later to our stopping point than anticipated.

We pulled into the motel parking lot in Paducah, Kentucky and right as we rolled to a stop, something  jerked. My husband tried to put his new-to-him truck in reverse. Nothing. Drive? Nothing. Any gear?

Nothing but a dull engine roar.

Eye roll. Sigh.  There’s some good news.

Long story still long, the transmission gave out.

Based on my reaction, you would have thought the sky was falling and we were all going to die. I was tired, hungry, and beyond angry at the situation.

The next day, we had to search for a repair shop, get it towed and wait, wait, wait for the new transmission to be installed.

I called my boss and let her know I was going to require a couple extra days of “Vacation” because we were stuck in Kentucky.

At the time, it totally sucked. I admit I had a pretty poor attitude about the whole situation. #NotMyBestJesusMoment

Now, looking back, I see that God was at work long before I noticed it.

We broke down in the parking lot of a hotel. NOT on the interstate in Boondock, America where we spent so many of our previous hours.

Everything we needed/wanted was within walking distance: Restaurants, the mall, a movie theater (for entertainment), Wal-Mart, a bookstore (#YES)  and even a tiny little church that we hiked to on Sunday for service. (They made a big deal about the two Kansans stranded in Kentucky who still chose to go to church anyways.)

And although the transmission wasn’t by all means cheap #ByeMoney, the repair guys did a great job and even dropped us off and picked us up each day to “check” on things so we didn’t have to hike the three miles to the shop.

Yes, my friends, it is all about perspective. He was at work long before we saw it.

Where in your life has God been at work before you realized it? What steps can we take to make sure we are clinging to a Holy Perspective when our everydays don’t turn out like planned? You know I love to hear from you. Join in with a comment.

Let’s commit to trusting God and seeking HIS perspective in all seasons but really, it IS true– He is at work long before we see it.

Trusting in His Work,

Initials Signature Blog

“…For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” ~Philippians 2:13

7 Days Time

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