When the Burden Gets Too Heavy (#EverydayJesus Linkup)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


I have always prided myself in being strong.

Not only physically and emotionally, but now as I walk with Jesus, also spiritually. But sometimes the burdens of this life just become too much.

It comes in spurts. Someone gets sick. An unexpected bill shows up. Schedules change. Plans get derailed. More and more yucky stuff of this world shows up in our own lives (and even as prayer requests.)

Sometimes it is enough not to just break our back from trying to carry it all, but also it breaks our heart from our attempts to bear it alone.

That is why God gave us Jesus in our everyday.


When the burden gets too heavy… We can lay it at the foot of the cross, trusting that God will take care of it.

When the burden gets too heavy… We can stop relying on our own strength and know that God’s power is made perfect in our weakness.

When the burden gets too heavy… We can ditch our human pride and ask for help.

When the burden gets too heavy… We can take a breather.

When the burden gets too heavy… We can seek those in our community of Christ to bear the burden with us.

When the burden gets too heavy… We can slow down.

When the burden gets too heavy… We can remember that God is God and we are not.

When the burden gets too heavy… We can ask the Lord how He wants us to respond.

When the burden gets too heavy… We can admit that maybe it is time for us to step away from a responsibility (or twelve.)

When the burden gets too heavy… We can take Jesus’ hand and keep walking, knowing that we will not be crushed as long as he is at our side.

Friend, are you feeling burdened today? What is on your heart? How can I help you bear that burden? Please don’t be shy. Leave a comment below so we can encourage one another.

Remember, you aren’t called to do this alone. If Christ needed help carrying his cross up that hill, don’t be ashamed when you ask the same of him or those in your community.

Keep on moving forward, considering what God might be calling you to do in the moment the burdens begin to weigh you down. Trust that He has a plan and will walk with you every plodding step along the way.

For one day, we shall ALL be burden free.

Walking with Him,

Initials Signature Blog

“Help carry one another’s burdens. In this way you will follow Christ’s teachings.” ~Galatians 6:2 GWT

7 Days Time
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