Caution: Women at Work

 Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Women at Work WoF

The summer I turned 16, I entered the working world… well, at least during the summer.

Since then, I have been blessed/challenged to work in a variety of fields and locations. Some have been amazing, others not so much. Here is a quick taste of my occupational adventures: 

~Farrower/Herdsperson on a hog farm in Minnesota two summers in high school: Dirty, exhausting work but I loved learning and working with the animals (although my constantly bruised shins screamed otherwise).

~Intern with a large corporation traveling around the Midwest visiting various swine operations: Dirty, exhausting work (must be the pigs) but I reveled in the freedom and the trust given to me.

~Communications intern at a National animal promo board: Meh. I learned that I loved writing feature articles but was terrible at press releases… Something about being “too personable” and “not professional” enough.

~Pizza Maker in a gas station restaurant: Yeah, no. Although it put a teeny bit of cash in my pocket, I wasn’t challenged, I was bored and I probably ate more pizza toppings than I actually used on the customer’s pizza.

~Human resources intern/associate at huge corporation: Should have been a 10 as it looked like my dream job, but integrity issues with the company coupled with crazy hours sucked me dry, so it was a negative 12 (but this turned out to be a good thing… keep reading.)

~Ministry apprentice at our former church: Loved everything about this– and found my calling!

Clearly, I have been a woman at work in some pretty random places. Now I am long past my college days and am married to the military with a tiny human in tow.

Although I am no longer officially clocking into work everyday, I am still a woman at work.

And so are you. Interested to see how EVERYTHING you do is for God’s glory? Join me over at Wives of Faith today for a powerful, working woman’s pep talk.

You won’t regret it.

Before you go, consider the following: How do you keep your mind/heart set on God as you do His work daily? What daily rewards do you see?  Join the conversation by leaving a comment. 

Thanks for doing such great work… If God gave raises, I have no doubt you would be on the top of His list.

Keep up the awesome work… Because we are working for Him as we find Jesus in our Everyday.

To His Glory,

Initials Signature Blog

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” ~1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV

7 Days Time
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