Marathon Faith #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


God oftentimes calls us to do things that are way, WAY bigger than us.

To the outside world, it seems totally crazy.

But to us believers, it seems, well crazy… With the foundation built on faith.

I have kinda sorta drug my feet on sharing this post, because if I do, then it is a little more real.

And real is sometimes scary, even in our everydays. 

One of my (His?) God-sized dreams this year is to run a full marathon.

Seriously. A former fluffy gal and recovering asthmatic. To run. On her feet. For 26.2 miles.

You might remember that last January (yeah, like over a year and a half ago) God really started working on me in this fitness thing, telling me to do things that were so far beyond ME I kind of thought He was a little bit cray-cray.

But with each passing day, I see that maybe, just maybe, He knows what He is doing.

I have my good days and my not so good days. But when I say yes in faith in my everyday, I know that I will be blessed, be it in that moment, in five hours or even when I get to heaven’s gate.

Because dear readers, this walk/jog/trotting life with Jesus is no sprint.

It is VERY MUCH a marathon.

Unlike last year, I have (so far) managed to keep JESUS as my focus and not make fitness an idol. As I type this, I am actually taking a literal sick day, in my bed in a bath robe, completely at peace with the fact that I had to nix my hard core long run yesterday and didn’t work out at all today.

My marathon training plan... Complete with Jesus motivation and funny memes to make me despise it less.

My marathon training plan… Complete with Jesus motivation and funny memes to make me despise it less.

For those of you who know me and my achiever self, this is kind of a big deal. I figure that if He wants me to do this, He will be the one to make it happen. Not me.

My job is to be obedience. He is in charge of the results.

Over the next couple of months as race day comes (and hopefully goes successfully!) I will periodically be posting updates on this literal marathon faith adventure. The hard stuff, the funny stuff, the good stuff, the God stuff.

It is kind of crazy/awesome to watch God work on my heart as I work on making my body do ridiculous things. Like hit my longest-run-ever-in-my-life mark of 19 miles (which happened last week.)

We don’t have to run a marathon to understand the challenges, lessons and rewards that come with running this marathon faith race. Heck, we don’t even need to own a pair of tennis shoes.

All we have to do is know that God is faithful. Know that He sets the pace. Embrace the fact that He will get us to the finish line if we stay the course.

Where is God calling you to engage your marathon faith in your everyday? Run on over and leave a comment. #SeeWhatIDidThere?

Keep going, my friend. His fuel is the Bread. Drink in the living water. One step at a time, sweet friends. One step at a time.

Running with Jesus,

Initials Signature Blog


“All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You’re after one that’s gold eternally.” ~1 Corinthians 9:25 MSG

7 Days Time
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