Our Schedule & Middle School Dance Partner #EverydayJesus Linkup

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


In all my years of leadership and all things special events, I have been blessed to hold a variety of roles.

I have been the planner, the coordinator, the decorator (never again,) the recruiter, the cheerleader, the communicator and a variety of other rather abstract fill-in-the-gap jobs.

Probably one of my most awkward and most memorable was the “Dance-Distance Nazi.” (I know that the word “Nazi” is NOT politically correct, but that is what those pesky little teenagers nicknamed me by the night’s end.)

Let me explain.

When I was in college, I was tasked to keep the dance floor of a high school leadership event “PG.” Faced with the exceptionally awkward task of breaking apart these hormone-driven teens, I did the only thing I could: I capitalized on my sense of humor.

For the next few hours, I ran to the way-too-close-dancing couples (gag) and good-naturedly busted my way through them pulling them apart yelling, “Excuse me, pardon me, break it up… Leave room for Jesus.”

Most of the students laughed and gave each other a little bit of space (for about 45 seconds until I made my next rounds.)

Hence, the less than politically correct nickname was born.

As I was thinking about this awkward yet hilarious memory, it reminded me of the days when dancing super gross and close was the last thing on our minds– in Middle School. Those straight-armed, robot-legs back and forth dances were the way to go. Minimal eye contact and even less body contact.

Now, as an adult with a Beloved husband of my own, I worry less about how close I am dancing and focus more on how I am walking with the Lord.

But in my walk with the Lord, especially as a minister, comes a lot of scheduling.

And as we began this new year and I began to plan out future events, God gave me a revelation:

We need to treat our schedule like our Middle School dance partner and leave room for Jesus. 

Schedule and DanceJust think: When we jam pack our schedule so full with back-to-back events like those aforementioned hormone-thinking teenagers on the dance floor, not only do we get figuratively hot and sweaty (and seriously grossed out) but we become stressed, claustrophobic and unable to move.

There is no room for Jesus to cut in and lead.

Instead, we need to leave some space in our daily dance for Jesus to jump in and guide us, love on us and sometimes even carry us.

We can listen to the music, sway with the Spirit, enjoy our everyday moments in the presence of our Savior.

I don’t want to shove in a hundred different dance moves all at once that finds me tripping over myself and everyone around me. I yearn for the slow, fun and even romantic dance with Jesus in our everyday.

So, what does your schedule look like? Is it like that way-too-close awkward dirty dancing of teenage years? Or more of the slow, spacious movements with plenty of space as a Middle Schooler? Or perhaps something even more awesome– close, but not too close, gentle and in tune with His music? I always love to hear from you and respond to every comment. Leave a response here.

As we move forward planning our year, I say we challenge ourselves (myself included) to back up a little and treat our schedule like our Middle School dance partner…

We need to leave room for Jesus in our Everyday.

Getting my Dancing Shoes On,

Initials Signature Blog

“We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand—out in the wide open spaces of God’s grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise.” ~Romans 5:2 MSG

7 Days Time
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