From Unraveling to Reveling (#EverydayJesus)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Some days as a minister, mama and wife, I feel like I am unraveling. Falling to pieces. Tearing apart at the seams.


Photo via Quinn Anya@ Flickr

My nerves are shot, I am weary, and my patience was gone with the breakfast tantrum.

In those moments of unraveling is when I need Jesus the most.

Because through Him, His love, His power… He can transform us. We can go from unraveling with frustration to reveling in everything He is doing around us.

Talk about a perspective shifter of heavenly proportions!

As I reflect about this phenomena that is available to all who follow Jesus, I am nearly overwhelmed. How can anyone take a mess of a situation and turn it into a message? A trial into a triumph? A test into a testimony?

The answer? Nobody can… But Christ.

I see this transformation in so many different places as I find Jesus in my everyday.

When I start to unravel asI am trying to write and the internet is slower than pouring molasses in a Minnesota winter, I can begin to revel in the awesomeness that is technology at my fingertips.

When I start to unravel because the baby is breaking her personal records for tantrum intensity, I can revel in the fact that God allowed us to have a daughter of our own to raise, love and teach.

When I start to unravel at the little quirks of my husband like leaving coffee rings all over my clean countertops, I can revel in the love and design God put in place through marriage.

When I start to unravel as I sit stuck in I-5 traffic, I can revel in God’s blessings through our ability to afford transportation and live in a country where infrastructure is so prevalent.

When I start to unravel, I can look for Jesus… and revel.

Revel in His love.

Revel in His glory.

Revel in His plans.

Revel in His purposes.

Revel in the hope of Eternity.

God can take us from unraveling to reveling in a single breath.

But we have to ask for His help.

Friends, where in life do you find yourself unraveling the most? How does God change your perspective to instead revel in the work He is doing in your life? You know I always love to hear from you. Join the conversation and leave a comment. 

Let’s reach out and make an effort to find Jesus in our everyday. Instead of feeling frazzled, frayed or unraveled, we can instead feel refreshed and renewed as we revel in His incredible work.

Reveling in Him,

Initials Signature Blog


“They reveled in your great goodness.” ~Nehemiah 9:25b NIV

7 Days Time
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