21 Truths: God Never Changes

Change can be a hard part of life.

But it is also a very necessary part of life.

Without change, I would still be that third grader with bird-nest bangs, braces wearing a lace-collared dress. And although it maybe was the “style” back in the early 90’s, nobody wants to see me like that today (including myself.)

Without change, we wouldn’t grow, learn, struggle or experience victory.

So change is hard… but necessary. 

Perhaps you are one of those folks that struggles with changing seasons of life more than others. And if you are, that is OK. Here’s a powerful and solid truth to get you through those challenging experiences.

Although our lives are ever-changing, take heart and know that…

God Never Changes

God Never Changes

And thank goodness for that! Can you imagine if the God, our God that we love and worship, changed? What if his moods or attitudes or feelings towards us rose and fell like the tides of an ocean or like the emotions of a teenage girl? That would not only rattle our faith, but we would never know what to expect from God or how to approach Him.

Fortunately, there is such power in this truth that God never, ever changes.

Our God today is the same faithful, loving, reliable God that Moses followed as He led the Israelites out of Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land.

Our God today is the same God that created Adam and Eve, yet still loved them through the Fall of Man.

Our God today is the same God that saved Noah and his family from the flood, then promised to never wipe out His people again.

Our God today is the same God that walked with Bible figures such as King David, Rahab, Esther, Peter, and Paul.

Our God today is the same God that sent His one and only begotten Son to die on that cross.

Our God today is a God that forever loves us and never, ever changes.

He is, He was and He is yet to come. He never changes. And that truth along can give us the strength and courage to face the trials that come with our own personal changes.

Have you really taken some time to think about this fact that God has been around since before the world was born and will be there after it ceases to exist?

That is huge, my friends. Simply huge.

Take a few moments and think about the seasons of your life that have been filled with change. How does this truth that God never changes encourage you? In what ways can you see that working in your own life. I always welcome feedback. Feel free to leave a comment here.

The truth that God never changes keeps me going and I hope it does the same for you. He is the most reliable and faithful pillar of our lives.

So as gas prices change, as our bodies change with age and as the environment in which we live changes over time, take heart and know that…

God. Never. Changes.

Loving an Unchanging God,

Initials Signature Blog

“God, who is enthroned from of old, who does not change…” ~Psalm 55:19

Linking up today with Michelle via Hear it Sunday~Use it Monday, Laura at Playdates with God, Joan’s  Beauty in His Grip, and Inspire me Monday. Oh! And be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!

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