Bad things. Good People. Great God.

In lieu of the holiday season, I am taking a quick breather (for a couple of weeks) from cranking out lots of fresh material. There will still be blogs posted, some new, some reposts. Like this one. I pray it speaks to your heart today!


I have heard this phrase in many conversations. I have witnessed it on Facebook statuses. I have even seen it on a billboard.

“Why do bad things happen to good people?”

That is a good question. And a tough one at that. I’m not gonna get all theological on you today (my brain isn’t quite up for that level of discussion) but I think that “Bad things” happen to “Good people” due to sin. [Read more…]

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21 Truths: God Never Changes

Change can be a hard part of life.

But it is also a very necessary part of life.

Without change, I would still be that third grader with bird-nest bangs, braces wearing a lace-collared dress. And although it maybe was the “style” back in the early 90’s, nobody wants to see me like that today (including myself.)

Without change, we wouldn’t grow, learn, struggle or experience victory.

So change is hard… but necessary.  [Read more…]

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21 Truths: God Provides

I didn’t grow up in church. So when I graduated college and started chasing after God with passion, you could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard about the “tithing 10% gig.”

TEN PERCENT?!?! That was like, a lot of money, especially for a recent college grad who was learning how to manage her money (and wasn’t very good at it yet.) While I  managed to pay my bills each month, sometimes it was pretty close and involved a lot of stressed out tears.

So the whole idea of following God and giving Him back MY money in what seemed to be quite a big chunk was a turn off for me. I figured that there must be some loophole or disclaimer for recent college grads with credit card debt who really liked to eat sushi.

But now that I fully understand what it means to truly follow Jesus, I realize it wasn’t a nickel and dime issue… It was a heart issue. [Read more…]

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21 Truths: God is Faithful

Have you ever made a purchase or received a gift that you were really, really pumped up about, but once you got it home to try it out, it failed to live up to its expectations?

Yeah. Me too. Talk about a heart-breaking moment.

My most recent encounter with an experience like this was with an incredibly awesome running jacket. See, my sweet (and crazy generous) mother-in-law has been cheering me on in my quest to become a runner in 2014. Runners apparently need running gear, especially if you live in a rather rainy state like Washington. (Note: I am NOT complaining about the rain. Running in the rain is not my top five most favorite things to do, but if I was living in most other states, running outside in Jan-March would be nearly out of the question.)

Anywho. Runners need gear and I realized that running in the rain two or three times a week in a sweatshirt wasn’t a very productive idea. So my darling MIL offered to by me a waterproof running jacket. [Read more…]

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Our Own Set of Footprints

Hi friends… No Five Minute Friday post today, because my good friend Brandi is in town and this mama/writer/Jesus-lover wants a short breather. Plus, I want to honor Brandi while she is here. (My goal is to spend as little time on the computer this weekend as possible. Hoping for a recharge!) So please enjoy this little reminder about our footprints and how God moves us. 


You can tell a lot about someone’s footprints.

No, I don’t mean what type of shoes they wear or what size their feet are. Footprints can often tell us where someone’s been… and perhaps where they are going. [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha’s: Good and Faithful Servant

 Some days I simply CANNOT wait until I get to heaven.

Now don’t take that the wrong way. I’m not looking for an early way out or anything. But on my bad AND good days, sometimes the idea of heaven is so intoxicating.

Our hearts desire to be there. A place with no pain. A place with no sad tears. A place with no suffering. And most of all… a place with JESUS. [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha’s: The One Who Called You…

Life. Ain’t. Easy.

Can I get an AMEN? Anybody? So yeah, life on this earth ain’t easy. And that is probably the understatement of the decade.

Maybe it’s just the culture that we live in, but there is so much freakin’ pressure. Every where you look, there’s a Pinterest dream of a home where everything matches and only costs a dime, a housecleaning chart or recipe shared on Facebook sure to make your life a fairytale.  It’s all bigger, better, faster, cuter, cheaper, neater…

GAH. There’s just so… much… pressure!  [Read more…]

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Our Own Set of Footprints

You can tell a lot about someone’s footprints.

No, I don’t mean what type of shoes they wear or what size their feet are. Footprints can often tell us where someone’s been… and perhaps where they are going. [Read more…]

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Bad things. Good People. Great God.

I have heard this phrase in many conversations. I have witnessed it on Facebook statuses. I have even seen it on a billboard.

“Why do bad things happen to good people?”

That is a good question. And a tough one at that. I’m not gonna get all theological on you today (my brain isn’t quite up for that level of discussion) but I think that “Bad things” happen to “Good people” due to sin. [Read more…]

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Survival of the Faithful

My heart was gripped with fear. My body turned cold from the inside out. I had made a potentially fatal mistake.

I didn’t realize what I had done until I pulled into the commissary parking lot and wondered WHY on what I thought was a random Saturday the place was SO packed.

It was not just any Saturday. But it was the Saturday after army families everywhere got paid. What had started as a quick errand to get eggs, milk, crackers and dog food was now a battle for my life. [Read more…]

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