God Loves You Reminders & Inspiration (Printables)

Needing a little boost today? Or already overflowing with joy?

Either way, you have come to the right place.

No matter where we are, we could always use a sweet reminder of how God loves us (can I get an AMEN??)

So I want to share with you a few of these pretty nifty printables. Below you will find printable scripture card… You can stick them in your Bible, tape them to the dash of your car, the bathroom mirror, by the kitchen sink… where ever you might need a little dose of His word.

Below the cards you will also find some pictures that you can do with as you please. Use them as a screensaver/desktop background, print them off and frame them, give them as a gift… whatever. The possibilities are endless.

Just click the little blue links and print away. Blessings to you… And thanks for your endless support of 7 Days Time!!

7 Days Time Scripture Cards7 Days Time Encouraging Scripture Cards

Right where i want dload    BW Right where i want dload

Right where I want you (Color)              Right where I want you (B&W)

Who You are Color    Who You are BW

I love you for who you are (Color)             I love you for who you are (B&W)

PS: If you click the link to the picture PDF, you can print to whatever size you want… Play with the percentage of page filled and change the orientation to landscape if you want a bigger picture… or you can reduce the size as well. Enjoy and God Bless!

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