One Word 2015: Rest #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


This is the fourth consecutive year that God has called me to choose a “One Word” to focus on for 12 whole months.

And while this word totally makes sense for me, this very well could be the most challenging yet.

In 2012, He called me to TRUST.

2013, I needed to STAND.

Last year in 2014, was all about GROW.

And now, a seasonal culmination of all my One Word journey in 2015: REST.

One Word REST 2015Funny thing about rest. First, I am really terrible at it. Which would make perfect sense why He is calling me to practice– and not just practice it, but live it– for this entire year.

Rest is necessary for spiritual success.

Rest seems to be a logical bookend to my other three One-Word experiences.

Rest intimidates me A LOT.

I thought God was nudging me toward this One Word starting in November of 2014 as I began to pray about this new season. When He placed it on my heart, I fought it. Surely I misunderstood, Lord. What about a word like Joy? Fun? Adventure? Those things I can probably handle. Be Rest? That might as well be a foreign language to me… It likens to my own four-letter word. 

But alas friends, my One Word “Rest” was wholly and solely affirmed during my recent sabbatical weekend with the Lord. And it is sure to challenge every fiber of my being.

Instead of yammering on about what think about this One Word endeavor, why don’t I let God tell you what He thinks about rest in my 2015. Perhaps it will speak to you as deeply as it spoke to me?


My Daughter, 

Thank you for your faithfulness to Me. I see how hard you work and it thrills My heart. Now, I have a new task for you to work at: I want you to rest. 

I know that for some, rest comes easy, second to breathing. It is more of a struggle for you. This does not surprise Me, because remember, I created you this way. However, I now want you to grow in your ability to rest. 

Rest doesn’t mean that you physically stop doing everything. Sometimes rest is a physical act, because occasionally the best thing you can do for Me, your family, your ministry and yourself is to take a nap. Also know, however, that you can be at rest while you do My work. Your spirit can always be at rest, at peace, comforted and basking in My abundant love. 

Take some time to rest. Resting is not a sign of weariness or weakness, but it instead shows the strength to say Yes to Me. Only when you are fully at rest and refrain from striving can you truly experience all I have to offer. You don’t have to constantly live in overdrive. Have the courage to put it in park. 

Resting is a learned response. It must be intentional. When you spiritually rest, think of yourself as the while dove and Me as Noah. I am the one who gives you rest, a place to land when your wings are weary and your heart is tired. Rest is a very good thing. It is so good that it is actually My gift to you. Don’t forget– you were made in My image. If I needed to rest, then so do you. 

Please, My dear one– do not treat this quest to rest as a punishment, chore or something else to “achieve.” That totally defeats the point. Treat it as a blessing, an experience that ultimately aids in fulfilling My purpose for you. 

Rest is necessary for spiritual success. It is a part of spiritual hygiene, just as bathing daily is to your physical self. It provides space to be cleansed, recharged and reconnected with Me in mighty and powerful ways. 

I am not going to leave you to your own devices in this new life chapter to seek rest in your everyday. I will provide opportunities of rest for you. Trust Me. Your role is that when these opportunities arise, you respond in obedience. 

Sweet one, rest and know that I Am God. Rest and I will fight for you. Remember that I enjoy giving rest to the ones I love– and I love you so very much. Gracefully and willingly accept this gift. In the midst of marriage, motherhood and ministry, rest in Me. For Me. With Me. Through Me. 

Remember– when you rest, you shall be blessed. Trust Me to do this work in you. Sit back, relax and rest as I transform your life. 


So– what are your thoughts? Do you have any tips for me to REST as I continue with ministry, motherhood and marriage via finding Jesus in my Everyday? What is your One Word for 2015? Share your response in the comments.

Now if you will excuse me… I am going to schedule this blog and go take a few precious minutes to rest.

Resting in Him,

Initials Signature Blog

“It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don’t you know he enjoys giving rest to those he loves?” ~Psalm 127:2 MSG

7 Days Time
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