Printable: God Bless America

You don’t have to be an army wife to appreciate the freedom we have in the United States.

You don’t have to be a soldier, want to be a soldier or even know a soldier.

You don’t have to be a specific gender, color, height, weight, background or income.

All you have to be is thankful.

I sure am.

I am so thankful that sometimes all I can say is God Bless America.

So God Bless America… And God bless you, dear subscriber. Enjoy this free printable, made straight from this Jesus-loving-flag-flying-army-wife’s heart.

God Bless Amerca

Click here —> God Bless America to print this picture

God bless,

Initials Signature Blog

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” ~Galatians 5:1 NIV

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