From Question Marks to Fulfilled Hearts

Why, God?!? WHY?!?

I can’t even imagine how many times a day this question is uttered to God from his Beloved followers throughout the world each day.

When our world is full of sorrow, sadness and trial… Suicide, homicide, genocide, crime, treachery, abuse, you name it… We barely know what to do other than to ask God questions.

I don’t know the answer to our lives that are full of question marks. But I am certain that God hears our pleas.

He has the power to take our question marks and transform them into fulfilled hearts that follow Christ.

Imagine that you have two question marks.


Now, mirror one…


Use your imagination as you put them together…

Boom. From Question Marks to Fulfilled Hearts.

question mark to heart

Friend, if you are in a place right now of begging God for answers, take the following thoughts to heart:

1. He hears you. He really does. Even though He might not answer your “why” question, it doesn’t mean that He is ignoring you. Perhaps He is urging you to trust Him with whatever you are facing.

2. I personally have learned that asking “Why” doesn’t help my question-marked heart as much as I hope. I have discovered, however, that changing the question a bit opens the door for God to shine newness into my heart. Instead of asking “Why?” in the midst of a challenge or tragedy, I now strive to ask, “God, HOW can I bring you glory in this hard moment?” Or “God, WHAT can I do to soothe my aching soul?” Or “Father, HOW do you want me to react right now?” This perspective shifter lays the ground work for God to DO WORK right away.

3. Remember how as a little kid our parents might sometimes “hide” the truth a bit to keep us from even more pain? Like when our goldfish died because we forgot to feed it (although we had the best intentions) or when someone mistreated another person and our they forced us to focus on helping instead of getting angrier at the accused? Yeah. I think God does that sometimes. He keeps some bits of the world hidden from our sight because He knows that our hearts are not ready. In those hidden question-mark moments, we shouldn’t be discouraged. Instead, we should embrace the truth that one day God WILL reveal the truth to us, even if it is on the other side of heaven.

Dear friends, God loves us so much. He cares about our tender hearts, even as we slog through day after day in this fallen world. Somethings aren’t meant for us to know. Some things are to remain question marks.

But even with all of our question marks, God can still work to fulfill our hearts.

He fills our hearts with grace. With love. With promise. With hope. With redemption. With strength. With courage.

He will give us exactly what we need in the moment. We can fully trust Him with that.

Is your world spinning full of question marks toward God right now? Are you at a loss for what to say or do? I would love to pray for you. Share a comment, submit a prayer request here or send me an email via

God hears you. He loves you. And He will take care of you as He gradually turns your question marks into fulfilled hearts.

Heart for Him,

Initials Signature Blog

“God reminds us, I heard your call in the nick of time; The day you needed me, I was there to help. Well, now is the right time to listen, the day to be helped. Don’t put it off; don’t frustrate God’s work by showing up late, throwing a question mark over everything we’re doing. Our work as God’s servants gets validated—or not—in the details.” ~2 Corinthians 6:2-3 MSG

Linking up today with Jen over at Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood,  Hazel via  Tell Me a Story and Jennifer Dukes Lee over at #TellHisStory. Be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up  community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!

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