Where is Your Joy?

Where is your joy?

Admittedly, it is tempting to base joy on our circumstances.

But (even though I don’t get it right every time) I’ve learned to find joy in the best AND hardest moments.

Joy is…

The smell of bacon wafting through the entire house.

How the cool morning breeze nips gently at your nose.

The anticipation of Christmas.

The anticipation of Christ’s return.

The O’Dark Thirty quiet time with God before the rest of the house wakes.

The comforting hug from your Beloved Spouse when you get heartbreaking information when he is stateside.

 The comforting hug from a good friend when your husband is deployed.

A really good cup of coffee.

Returning from home after a long trip.

Finding victory when the day doesn’t go as planned.

Family in town to provide a break from the seriousness of life.

Standing on the precipice of a new life season.

Successfully building a fire in the fireplace all by yourself.

When the stockings really are hung by the chimney with care.

White elephant gifts that make your friends literally laugh out loud.

A freshly mopped floor.

The rhythmic ticking of an old-school analog clock.

Joy is… everywhere.

Because joy is Jesus.

Friends, where is YOUR joy today? I would love to hear the things that make your heart sing. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below.

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” ~Psalm 16:11

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Why we need “Those” Days

Some days turn into “those days.”

Last week, a “some day” turned into one of “those” days for me.

Our dear (rambunctious and fearless) son had his first trip to the emergency room due to falling and hitting his head on the stone fence in the backyard. I knew it was only a matter of time, but still… you can’t really prepare for something like that.

I would love to tell you that I dealt with it peacefully and gracefully, that I was kind and gracious to the kindergartener who was also in tow (and decided that particular day was “National Day of Disobedience and Backtalk.”)

But last I checked, being a Jesus follower who lies is not encouraged.

I was stressed and I was frazzled (especially after the urgent care doc wigged out, said it was “severe” and needed a referral to ER, legit sutures and sedation(?!?)) My tongue was a lot sharper than I wanted it to be.

And honestly, I was really frustrated that MY plans for the day were all thrown out of whack, especially when the ER referral address had a typo in it and send me driving 20 minutes one way in the wrong direction.

Yes, I know that parenting is my greatest calling in this current life season, and of course the health and wellness of my kids are a priority, but it doesn’t make “those days” any easier.

But do you know what? Malick is fine (thank you Jesus… he only needed glue and steri-strips, no sutures or sedation), and we made it through.

God’s mercies really ARE new every morning. His grace really DOES cover us. His power IS made perfect in our weakness. And sometimes, we just need on of “those days” to remind us of His eternal truths.



“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.'” ~Lamentations 3:22-24

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Paul Didn’t Go Shoe Shopping

If you ask a random person to quote a Bible verse, chances are we can guess which verse it could be. In fact, if I was a betting woman (which I’m not– I only gamble with Jesus dollars because after 7 years of ministry, I’ve got lots of those) I would put money on that the quoted verse would like be one of the following:  [Read more…]

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The Christian Paradox

I really enjoy using semi-random words to describe semi-normal things.

“How was your day?” Just ducky.

“How was supper?” Legit. 

“How was your weekend?” Fantastical! (Which is a real word, BTW.)

But sometimes, fancy words get the best of me.

So in order to win this wordy battle, I want to use them more. Work them down, learn them into submission. [Read more…]

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From Question Marks to Fulfilled Hearts

Why, God?!? WHY?!?

I can’t even imagine how many times a day this question is uttered to God from his Beloved followers throughout the world each day.

When our world is full of sorrow, sadness and trial… Suicide, homicide, genocide, crime, treachery, abuse, you name it… We barely know what to do other than to ask God questions.

I don’t know the answer to our lives that are full of question marks. But I am certain that God hears our pleas.

He has the power to take our question marks and transform them into fulfilled hearts that follow Christ. [Read more…]

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Video Blog: God’s Perspective

Today’s Take-Home Message:

Sometimes we are too close to see things clearly. 

Sounds a bit counterintuitive, but it is so true. Check out today’s video blog for a little somethin’ somethin’ on how to step back and see life through God’s perspective.  [Read more…]

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Appreciate the Mountaintop

Sometimes I really take God for granted. Perhaps you do to.

Just think about how many times we nearly forget about God when things are going great then fall to our knees when our world comes crashing down.

If we aren’t grounded in faith all the time then those hard moments can turn into griping and grumbling sessions instead of petitions for help. I think there is a delicate yet very attainable balance we can reach with just a small shift of our perspective. [Read more…]

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This is the Stuff…

Ever have one of… THOSE DAYS?

You know exactly what I’m talking about. Things just seem to fall apart, one thing right after the other.

We’ve all been there.

In case you are there today (or were yesterday. Or might be tomorrow) let’s shift our perspective. [Read more…]

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When you Wreck… Rejoice!

Ever have a day that is just awesome and  totally rocks your world?

And then have you ever experienced something at the end of that awesome day that rocks your world in a less positive way?

Yep. It happened to me just a couple of weeks ago.

I had planned several weeks in advance to take a bit of a sabbatical day from ministry, blogging, writing, working etc. I was super excited because it was going to be a filled with Me Time… I started out with Quiet Time with Jesus (of course) then headed out into the world for a day of relaxation and rejoicing. First stop? Starbucks… It was free because I had a gift card left over from Christmas. (And a real treat because I don’t get Starbucks very often. I love it– but it adds up quick financially!) [Read more…]

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Lord, Thank You for the Socks (Five Minute Friday: Expectation)

Come one, come all!
The time is here once again,
To bust out a Five Minute Friday post,
With all our online friends!

Linking up with The Gypsy Mama,
We get only five minutes to write,
Our urge to over think and edit,
We must honestly fight.

She has given us a prompt,
So without further ado,
Let’s get to crack-a-lacking,
What are we waiting for, hop to!

Today’s prompt: EXPECTATION

GO! [Read more…]

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