Building a Christ-Like Marriage: Let’s get Physical

In college, we used to have a saying:

“It’s only weird if you make it weird. So don’t make it weird, OK?”

And that is going to be the slogan for today’s blog post. Because as we discuss the building blocks of creating a Christ-like marriage, we really can’t leave out the, um, errr, ahem… Physical part.

See, there I go. Making it weird before we even get this party started. [Read more…]

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Operation “Fortitude” Fitness (Month #6)

I don’t know about you all… but I’m a little sweaty.

Ok, not sweaty at this very moment as I type, but I was sweaty earlier. (I showered. You are welcome.) This operation fortitude fitness business is sweaty work. Plus, it’s now July in Georgia.

Yikes. Can someone hand me a towel?

Anywho, June was a good month for my “Smart Changes” for 2012. (Click here to read the original post to get caught up to speed.) [Read more…]

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