Travel Log: #WeBeRoadTripping Part 3

And the recap of our humorous military cross-country saga continues… Catch up with Part 1 and Part 2 by clicking the links. Hope you are enjoying our journey! ~SGK


Travel log, day 12: Hey yo, from Little Rock, AR.

1. Yes, I can count… Travel log days 9-11 were spent semi stationary at my parentals hacienda. Again, no driving = delightful.

2. Grateful for the the awesome hospitality tonight at Chateau De Knoberg (Aka, thanks Brock & Katie!)

3. Driven by the sign several times over the years, but “Toad Suck Park” still makes me lol.

4. Stopped for gas in Russellville, AR… And it reminded me of my summer spent there interning with Cargill Pork. (I waved in that general direction Cindy Woods Looney!)

5. Crushed (aka “Sonic”) ice is the best non-human traveling companion this preggo has thus far discovered.

6. We are one passenger (and a lot of luggage!) lighter as Charis is partying like a Rockstar Toddler the next couple weeks, first with Gma Cj then Gma Lex. I’m a little jealous. #AllTheIceCream


Today’s road trip motivation brought to you by: Jesus, Rachel Platt’s “Fight Song” and support from viewers like you.


We stopped by to see Gpa Willie while in South Dakota/Iowa. Missing Grandma Helen since she passed away in May, but joy still abounded in that room with our family.

We stopped by to see Gpa Willie while in South Dakota/Iowa. Missing Grandma Helen since she passed away in May, but joy still abounded in that room with our family.

Travel log, Day 13: ‘Sup from Woodlawn, TN.

1. Super excited to spend the night at Double A Bed and Breakfast (the name I have dubbed dear cousins Austin & Abbie’s house)

2. I accidentally created a new pseudo cussing phrase driving through Memphis today: “FOR THE LOVE OF CHICKEN BRICKS!”

Sub-point 2a. What is a chicken brick? Is it a hard, dried out chicken nugget from a low quality fast food restaurant? Or is it what a chicken produces when it needs to ingest more fiber? Or is it a genetically modified rectangular chicken egg?

3. I was really struggling with my wardrobe this morning. Then at breakfast, my beloved husband pointed out my buttons were mismatched. Definitely one of my finer preggo-brain moments.

4. If we loved southern cuisine, we would be in heaven. Unfortunately, we don’t. So we aren’t.

5. It is totally legit to register for your second tiny human’s baby “sprinkle” at LuLaRoe, yes? Um, asking for a friend… (Right, Abbie?)
#RutRoe #ThisIsNowHowIRoe


Today’s road trip travel motivation brought to you by: my first-ever and brand-spanking-new LulaRoe outfit, the older quartet of traveling folks sitting near us at iHop who are literally making the same trip as we just did only in reverse order, and a deep burning hope that this will be our FINAL day of travel for this PCS chapter. #PleaseJesusPlease #FeelFreeToPetMyClothes#SoSoftNComfy




Hallelujah! Thank you 9lb, 3 oz baby Jesus… We made it to our final hotel! #WeBeRoadTrippin


Travel log, Day 14: Praise the Lord, we made it to our final-ish destination! (Dawsonville-soon-to-be-Dahlonega, Georgia!)

1. Driving on the interstate in the south is like playing frogger with semi trucks… A game that I believe ranks right up there with “least favorite activities” of MS/HS P.E. Class “Bombardment” (see also: awkward girl gets hit in face every time) and Little League Co-Ed Softball (see also: smaller yet same awkward girl always ends up bleeding or bruised.) 

2. Had a cool Jesus moment about 60 miles out while driving (slowly!) through mountain switchbacks. I was praying that this new location would be an awesome place to make a home for a season… Then I saw a mailbox with this written on it: “He heareth you and delivereth to you.” #MmmkHeardYa

3. After finally arriving and doing our first round of recon, I felt like I could use a beer or glass of wine, which clearly is a no-go per current #StateOfMyUterus. Close second? A relieved/tired/sensory-overloaded preggo cry. Which conveniently obliged at supper

4. Time zones are still annoying.

5. Speaking of which… Our bodies are still on Pacific time. We finished lunch at 3pmEST and supper at 9:30pmEST.

6. Tomorrow: Operation Please Lord Find Us A House!  ??


Today’s road trip motivation brought to you by:


#YesImYelling #HappyHollers

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