Whole30: Week #6 Reflection

Another legit week of doing this Whole30 gig… Once again, food was pretty tasty and I had some cool Non-scale victories (Read on for more.)

Weekly Ranking (1-10)

Felt pretty good and I was grateful to have time to food prep adequately last week. I tried a couple of new recipes (which were a success) and minus a few moments of tiredness (something about having two kids, doing the ministry/educational things I do and a my hubs continually intense work schedule I think…

On My Menu

I kind of “created” a Cauliflower pizza casserole– and it was uber tasty. I’ve attempted actual cauliflower pizza a few times, but can never get the “crust” correct– so this time I just made it into a casserole since I knew I had to eat it with a fork anyways. Still tastes just as good and a whole lot less time consuming. Also, it converted into a pretty tasty breakfast dish halfway through the week by tossing a couple of over-easy eggs on top if it.

Also, I busted out the avocados this week (for some reason I haven’t been capitalizing on them much.) I had toad-in-a-hole for breakfast one day, then made some guacamole to go with my prosciutto-wrapped beef/veggie egg muffins (don’t be intimidated by the name… I just used the Prosciutto as  the muffin “liner” and scrambled some eggs with part of the cooked ground beef/bell peppers that I was using for Cauliflower pizza casserole. Easy peasy.

Oh, and taco salad– AH-MAZ-ING! I had cilantro-lime cauliflower “rice” for the first time and seriously– I bet if you didn’t tell a non-whole30er about it, they wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.


I got a chance this week to do some “benchmark” workouts to see if/how I have physically improved since starting Whole30. Well, let’s just say it was super encouraging! I improved my 2-min time limit sit-ups by 8, push-ups by 5 and (get this!) I took a whopping 3 min 4 seconds off my 2 mile run time! I am being realistic knowing that I likely will not be taking that much time off in future months per-chunk, but definitely a (huge!) step in the right direction. Thank you, Jesus.


Nothing too major to report here– there were a few nights that I really wanted to just grab something on the way home, but the fact that I had food ready and waiting for me in the fridge was a huge keep-me-accountable factor. (Again, the major importance of food prep!) Also, I had a few anxiety flare ups (Charis briefly had a headache/fever thing going on for like a day and, like a moron, I googled her symptoms. #WhenWillILearn #UG) Brandon’s super intense schedule/long hours/non-sleepingness wasn’t helpful… So I had some lightening cravings of “I WANT SUGAR” or something to make me “feel better” but thankfully, knowing that I needed to remain accountable to our Facebook Group AND Jesus kept me on the straight and narrow.

Tweaks for Next Week

I really don’t think I have much that I am doing differently– Kroger Clicklist is still my BFF in this season and splitting up food prep over a couple of days has been really helpful and less frantic/stressful. Also, I have yet to get sick of Madras Chicken Salad… Pretty sure I’ve eaten 5 out of the last six weeks for lunch.

So friends– until next week– stay strong!

To the Glory of God alone,



“I spread out my hands to you; I thirst for you like a parched land.” ~Psalm 143:6

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Whole30: Weeks 4 & 5 (Month #1) Reflection

You know, after all this time of following Jesus, I really shouldn’t be so surprised with Him. But alas, He keeps rocking my world.

I have completed a full month of Whole30 lifestyle (again) and couldn’t be more pleased. Probably the greatest revelation I’ve had in the last couple weeks was this thought: “I am so freaking busy right now. WHY did I decide to do Whole30?!?!” Which was immediately followed by:“I’ve needed more energy, contentment and legit-Jesus attitude more in the last month than I have in a very long time. I don’t NOT have time to keep this up!”  [Read more…]

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Whole30: Week #2 Reflection

Well, friends– another week of Whole 30 in the bag. It wasn’t quite as awesome as week 1, but I stayed compliant… So that’s a victory in and of itself. Let’s dig in, shall we?

Weekly Ranking (1-10)

On My Menu

My menu wasn’t nearly as impressive this week– I don’t know if I had pickier tastes or what. (Or maybe I peaked early with all of my super delicious foods/side dishes in week 1?)

This week for breakfast was a spinach, leek and mushroom frittata casserole. I was very underwhelmed– it didn’t taste bad, but it just really didn’t taste. I choked it down for three days then gave up.

Lunch again wasn’t as substantial as I should have planned– and leftovers weren’t as bountiful either. (I apparently need to start cooking larger quantities of food!) Lunches consisted of broiled seasoned shrimp with pine nut and leftover sweet potatoes and brussel sprouts  with balsamic glaze. (I added random leftovers to it throughout the week too.)

Pork cutlets were ok and the poached ahi tuna was decent too (I think I overcooked it- but raw fish– when not sushi grade– freaks me out!) Best meal this week was spaghetti with zoodles (spiraled zucchini.) It’s the first time I had pre-made Whole30 compliant marinara sauce– and it was delish!


Emotional and roller-coaster-y week. So my victory: NOT eating a Peanut butter and jelly sandwich or #AllTheSugar when I was feeling stressed. Also, I had spurts of that unspeakable joy I was seeking– I think it will show up in full force soon now that my ahem, post-preggo hormones are FINALLY leveling out. (Sorry if that was TMI. The woman-struggle is real.

My workouts continue to improve. Joint pain is completely gone and I was able to do a pretty legit ruck march on Wednesday (with Tiny Human in tow.) Workouts are also slowly starting to become something that relieves stress and balances things out instead of being such a chore. Hooray!


Again, emotional and intermittently grouchy. I really wasn’t super pumped about some of my food options this week and food prep on Sunday was exhausting. (Apparently I really DO need a day of REAL rest.)

Oh. And the coffee I was drinking was apparently headache inducing! (Sad life. Just one cup!) So I ditched that and headaches are chilling out. Might try again next week and see what happens– or switch to a higher quality brand of ‘Joe when we run out.

Tweaks for Next Week

I’m changing up my menu again for next week and re-fixing/adding some of my delicious staples back into the menu rotation (Madras Chicken salad and coleslaw.) I don’t really know why I think I have to cook all completely different things each week. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right?

Going to also keep drinking more water and try to slow down when eating. (Again, #KidProbs.)

Overall, not too bad of a week– but I am hopeful that Tiger blood will be kicking in soon– so stay tuned!

Friends, if you are doing W30, how did your week go? Leave a comment below and let me know. (Wow. That’s a lot of rhyming.)

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The Food Fight

Have you ever been in a food fight? You know, one of those summer-camp-type-mashed-potato-sloppy-joe-flying-nobody-gets-punished food fights?

If you have, I would love details. (How was clean up? Who got in trouble? What is the correlation between jello consistency and air time?)

I have never been in one of those kinds of food fights. (Perhaps I need to put that on my Bucket List…)

However, I have been engaged in my own kind of food fight for the last two decades.

I talked a lot about my ups, downs and continual breakthroughs over  at Wives of Faith in Fat Free-dom.  I am so grateful for how God is opening my eyes (and heart) to the spiritual holds that food has held over my life.

And friends, the revelations keep on a-coming.  [Read more…]

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Think “Fast” Finale!

Oh how I missed you, my sweet tomato condiment. Welcome back.

Break out the ketchup and the frozen yogurt people! (Not together, please.) We made 30 days with only eating 7 foods.

Lemme tell you what. It was a long month. But a blessed one.

(To recap, check out last week’s update post here.)

Anywho, I am glad to say peace out to my only menu items of chicken, eggs, bread, apples, sweet potatoes, avocados, and spinach. I am excited to welcome back things like ketchup, dairy products and seasonings other than simply salt and pepper. [Read more…]

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Think “Fast” (7 Experiment, Week 3)


The countdown is on, folks! We are ¾ of the way through our 7 Foods for 30 days fasting. We are really stoked that God is working so powerfully in our lives.

And very stoked that caffeine and ketchup are soon to be back on our menu. [Read more…]

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Think “Fast” (7 Experiment, Week 2 Update)

Half. Way. DONE.

That’s right, peeps– my darling husband and I are halfway through our 7 foods for 30 days fast. (Click here to get caught up to speed on this crazy journey. Oh, and here is last week’s update. )

For fifteen days, I have consumed nothing but eggs, chicken, bread, sweet potatoes, apples, avocado, spinach and water.

Can I have a Diet Dr. Pepper yet? Just kidding. We are still holding strong. Ish.

It has been challenging. And intense. And rewarding.  We have had a few revelations since last week: [Read more…]

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Think “Fast” (7 Experiment, Week 1)

It has been one week of eating only eggs, chicken, bread, apples, sweet potatoes, avocado, and spinach. That’s right folks. I’m eating only 7 foods for thirty days.

If you missed last week’s entry about this fast, let me catch you up. (Or you can click here to read the entire post.) My beloved hubby and I are fasting for 30 days by only eating 7 different foods. Only water to drink. No seasonings other than salt, pepper, olive oil (sparingly) and cooking spray.  This concept is inspired by Jen Hatmaker’s book “7: The Experimental Mutiny Against Excess.” In short, it has two main purposes: to seek after God at a deeper level and to restore a heart of gratitude for all the incredible choices we have in this world. [Read more…]

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Sometimes Flat Isn’t All That

“Hey, what do you want to drink?”

“Hmm… I will take a glass of Diet Dr. Pepper.”

“Ok, coming up.”

“Thanks…(gulp) OH YUCK. IT’S FLAT.”

We’ve all been there. We wait in anticipation for our favorite carbonated beverage only to be disappointed to realize all the fizz has departed long ago. Blah. The same goes for stale chips or popcorn. What a let down. Sigh. [Read more…]

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Junk Food of Life

It’s everywhere you look. On TV, in the newspaper, throughout the aisles of the grocery store, by the checkout register. Colorful packages beckon you to reach out and take them home. We love it. We sometimes think we need it. Oh baby, we gotta have it.

Such is the junk food of life. Cookies, chips, soda, candy, anything deep-fried and covered in chocolate. Now that’s tasty right there. Talk about instant gratification.

For the general American population, we tend to take a things for granted. We can have a bag of Cheetos and 32 oz ThirstBuster of Coke in our hands before you can say “$2.53, please.” We can get a full meal in our hands via drive-thru in about 4 minutes or less. And we can eat pretty much whatever we want. [Read more…]

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