New Year, New Venture: “Untangled Grace”

It comes as no surprise that a new year results in new God adventures. As you know, my Beloved Husband is currently deployed, and will continue to be for at least the first half+ of 2019. Visiting friends and family makes the time go faster, but unfortunately, the airlines don’t take Jesus dollars. #IfOnly

Enter stage left: “Untangled Grace.” Although I certainly don’t consider myself an artist, I am going to start marketing my tangles. All proceeds from this venture will go into the “Travel-home-to-see-family-during-deployment” fund (or THTSFDDF… I know, it’s super catchy).

I’ve been “tangling” for nearly 4 years now, and there are many different ways they can be used:
*Personal encouragement
*Faith Reminders
*OneWord 365 Relic
*Something pretty to look at #JustBecause

If you choose to order a tangle, I will custom create a hand-drawn 4 X 4 tangle tile, praying over it (and you!) throughout the creative process. No two tangles are alike, and there will be a faith-focused note, prayer or scripture included in your tangle.

Prices are listed on the image below (this already includes shipping). I can of course customize other items (like birth announcements, tangible gifts, framed art, etc) and prices will be based on time/labor involved. (Sidenote: I once tangled a pumpkin!)

If you are at all interested, please send me a PM or email me via

Thank you so much in advance for your support of our family during this deployment season. Happy New Year and GO AMERICA!#ToGodBeTheGlory

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When Jesus Makes You Queasy

This “following Jesus” thing can make us have, well, #AllTheFeels.

Warm and fuzzy. Confident. Peaceful. Hopeful. Comforted. Reassured.

All great feelings. But ya know, sometimes Jesus makes us feel a little bit queasy.

Like when he asks us to take a leap of faith and puts an idea on our heart that feels a little bit like it’s out of the back 40. (That’s the country girl in me talking there.)

Those moments are what I have titled as the emotion called “Thrillified.” That’s thrilled and terrified combined. [Read more…]

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Embracing the Race (Guest Blog)

It’s taken me many years to admit that I am kinda-sort-of a runner. And now, in my current season as more of a pregnant waddler, somewhere deep down, I realize I actually miss running. Especially considering that just a little over a year ago I ran a full marathon and didn’t die. 

So whenever I can, I like to support other runners on this quest– especially ones that love Jesus. Today, it’s an honor for me to share a guest post by Lisa Preuett, announcing the release of her new book for Jesus-runners like me. Grab a copy and let’s hit the road. ~SGK


“What’s your pace?”

This is a common question we hear frequently among runners. It’s also a number runners must sometimes enter on race registration forms. It’s easy to obsess about exactly how long it takes one to cover the distance of a mile. [Read more…]

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If you are parent, it comes as no surprise that we learn A LOT of lessons from our tiny-to-medium-sized humans.

Like how you can eat 2.34 bites of yogurt and be “full…”

How loopholes can be a saving grace, especially if it ends in laughter: “I didn’t kick the dog. I touched him with my foot!”

And that sometimes, choosing to do something is the right choice.  [Read more…]

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God’s Principle of Because


Today I am so privileged to introduce you to one of my (new) dear friends and kind-of-partner-ish-boss from Army Wife Network, Crystal Niehoff. She is AWN’s Owner and “Commander” (and I am blessed to be her Editor-In-Chief and Deputy Commander.) Crystal has a lot of great things to share– and this post is one of them!


It is perfectly normal to question “why” when we are in the midst of trials and adversities. Why is God allowing me to suffer? Why doesn’t the Lord heal this illness? Why can’t we get ahead financially? Why is my family facing all these difficulties?

These past few years (due to some tragic events that have occurred in my family) I have searched God’s Word, seeking answers as to why we have to go through such grief and difficulties in this life. I would be lying to you if I told you I figured out the answers to all these questions. Truth is, there are just some things we will not know, or fully comprehend, this side of heaven.  For whatever reason, trials are a part of life, and in John 16:33, Jesus acknowledges that “in this life we will have trouble.”  Christ then gives us the assurance that He has overcome this world.  One day, for those who believe, we will be in glory and there will be no more tears (Revelation 21:4). [Read more…]

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Leadership Riches

Leadership is a funny thing.

It’s awesome. It’s challenging. It’s uncertain. It forces us to grow in ways we never considered. It reaches hearts. It touches lives.

And when we put the “Christian” spin on it, it brings Jesus to those who need it.

When I started my leadership journey over 16 years ago, I had no clue that God was already involved in that process.

Back then, it was all about ME.

Now, it’s all about HIM. (Well, mostly. I still have MY days. I’m working on it.)

But for me, leadership is one of the more enjoyable, rich, and unpredictable aspects of my Jesus journey. [Read more…]

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Leap (Year) of Faith

Over the years, God has changed me in dramatic ways.

He has called me out of the corporate world working for “real people” dollars to working for “Jesus Dollars.”

He has brought me to my knees, face-to-face with my own sin and slowly been transforming my heart for His glory. (That’s been a “fun” process.)

He is (gradually) softening my heart and tongue. He is showing me how to set healthy boundaries with my emotions and work.

But one thing He has yet to change? My fear of heights. [Read more…]

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Ingredients to Grow

If you’ve been around 7 Days Time very long, you probably know that “Green Thumb” is NOT on my resume.

It’s not really for lack of trying or desire… But it’s just not. (I mean seriously… Remember how excited I got when my Peace Plant Chloe actually bloomed?)

Every time we move to a new house, I get a random surge of energy to try and be all outdoorsy-gardener-ish.

I go to a local greenhouse and spend way too much money on plants/flowers I will likely kill before the season is done. [Read more…]

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A Trade Worth Making

I am not a fan of negotiation. It stresses me out, especially when it comes to exchanging money or goods. Sure, I can negotiate with my husband about our schedules of kid-watching so we can be grown-ups/eatwithtwohands/gotothebathroomalone with the best of ’em. And sometimes I get my Mama negotiation skills out with our tiny human, who, for someone so small, seems to be very well versed in this department.

But most of the time, trying to make a trade just makes me twitch. I either feel like a jerk for demanding too much or like I am about to get the short end of the stick because I will do almost anything to avoid major confrontation. [Read more…]

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Bad things. Good People. Great God.

In lieu of the holiday season, I am taking a quick breather (for a couple of weeks) from cranking out lots of fresh material. There will still be blogs posted, some new, some reposts. Like this one. I pray it speaks to your heart today!


I have heard this phrase in many conversations. I have witnessed it on Facebook statuses. I have even seen it on a billboard.

“Why do bad things happen to good people?”

That is a good question. And a tough one at that. I’m not gonna get all theological on you today (my brain isn’t quite up for that level of discussion) but I think that “Bad things” happen to “Good people” due to sin. [Read more…]

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