Finding Jesus in the Little Stuff (Link-Up)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Jesus has done some pretty incredible miracles.

In the Bible, we read about Him turning water into wine, healing the sick, raising the dead.

Every now and then, He graces our household with a seemingly impossible miracle too.

He occasionally brings my husband and I to agreement on a movie to watch.

Ok. So maybe that is a little bit (or a lotta bit) of a stretch compared to the miracles of ancient times… but the little thing of agreeing on a movie is a big deal in our home.

See, my husband is…well… he’s ALL man. He loves man stuff. Which is fine. Except “man stuff” in the movie department typically includes historical documentaries, shoot-em-up war stories, or anything with zombies and/or aliens.


I’m not saying we have to watch “chick flicks.” Really, I  am not much of a chicky-flick kind of chick. I dig romantic comedies. Or sitcoms. Or straight up comedy-comedies.

So yes, it is something of a miracle when we can agree on a movie. One of those such movies is “New in Town” with Renee Zellweger. (Why we agree on THAT one, I have NO IDEA. He suggested it. And we have watched it more than once. I guess it’s just a weird Jesus miracle.)

Here’s a short synopsis of the film: A Miami business woman (Lucy) is assigned to manage a factory in New Ulm, MN. This of course leads to small town shenanigans during which time Lucy learns the value of people over business and she falls in love, everybody lives happily ever after.

One of our favorite scenes goes like this:

Blanche (Lucy’s new secretary): “Can I ask you a personal question?” 
Lucy (under her breath): “Isn’t that what you’ve been doing?” 
Blanche: “Have you found Jesus?” 
Lucy: “I didn’t know he was missing.” (Laughs.) 
Blanche: “We don’t joke about Jesus.”

Here’s the good news… We can joke about Jesus (with love, of course…He has a sense of humor and can handle it) AND we can find Jesus in the everyday.

Right where we are.

As I was praying about this blog post, I started to think about where I find Jesus in my everyday life. Sometimes it’s in the big life events, but most often I find Him in the little stuff.

And I bet you can too.

I find Jesus in the random laugh of my sweet 10-month-old baby girl.

I find Jesus in the bottom of the empty laundry hamper when it is all done (even if it only lasts for 30 seconds.)

I find Jesus inside a brand new journal.

I find Jesus at my kitchen table first thing in the morning as the quiet pours over me.

I find Jesus in a pan of piping hot lasagna fresh out of oven on a Monday.

I find Jesus in the warm embrace of my husband after a long day.

I find Jesus in an encouraging post on Facebook.

Want me to continue? Because I could go on like this all day. Take some time to think for a moment, dear friends… Where do you find Jesus in the little stuff of your everyday life? Are you looking for Him? I would love for your to link-up your blog post and/or leave a comment below. (If you are reading this via email, click here.)

I promise that He is all around you, ready to bring blessing and joy to your life. We just have to look for  and embrace Him as we find Jesus in the little stuff… Every single day.

Searching for Him Daily,

Initials Signature Blog

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” ~Jeremiah 29:13 NIV

7 Days Time
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