Reasons for Milspouse Pride (Part 3: Link-up & Giveaway)

In the words of the late Paul Harvey, today it is time for “The Rest of the Story.”

The last couple of months, we have been talking about Reasons for Milspouse pride. (Need to catch up? Check out Part 1 and Part 2.)

So now, we present our final chapter of:

I am a proud military spouse when… 

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Reasons for Milspouse Pride (Part 2: Link-up & Giveaway)

Some people say that there can be “too much of a good thing.”

I *might* agree with this statement if talking about rich cheeses, excessive exercise or Netflix binge watching.

But I just can’t agree that there is ever such a “thing” as too much military spouse pride.

You might remember that last month I shared the first installment of our series “Reasons from Milspouse Pride.”

As promised, today we share Part 2…. Brought to the generous and loving hearts of military spouses and viewers like you.

Read on to see more ways that…

I am a proud military spouse when… 


I am proud to be a military spouse when I can smell the dirt from the field as he walks through the door because that means we both survived another round of training.” ~Lacey R.

I am a proud military spouse when my husband is thanked for his service. It doesn’t happen much because we live in a very military saturated place.” ~Lisa H.

I’m proud to be a military spouse when I see my husband in his dress uniform. He wore his blues at our wedding in 1994, and it always makes me happy and proud to see him in them again. He’s been through a lot in his career, and each of those ribbons and pins shows how much he loves being a soldier and serving his country. And he looks so handsome in his blues, too!” ~Christie P.

“I was the proudest military wife when I seen my husband walking down the airport corridor at the end of his deployment and could see the look on his face, meeting his son for the first time.” ~Nikki H.

Dear readers…there is MUCH more where this came from! (And did we mention this post also includes a link-up and easy-t0-enter giveaway?) Swing by Army Wife Network to tap into some more milspouse pride and enter to win!

Thanks for your support… And stay tuned for our final installment of Milspouse Pride (with giveaways) on the first of next month!

Proud in so many ways,

Initials Signature Blog

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#EverydayJesus Link up: When God Helps You

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


There was a season in my life when I was not very good about asking for help.

That season lasted about 25 years of my life. Then I got married, answered the call to ministry and had a baby. I realized quick, fast, and in a hurry that I needed to get over myself, swallow my pride and not be afraid to ask for help.

Sometimes help might come from a friend. Other times, my husband is able to lend a hand. But most often, I am seeking help from the Lord.

Here’s one of my latest examples. [Read more…]

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Why Jesus Needed an Eraser for His Pencil (#EverydayJesus Linkup)

Do you ever make mistakes?

If you answered no to this question, then you are excused. (And might I recommend Googling the phrase “honesty is the best policy?”)

For all the rest of us normal folks, the answer to that question is probably, “Heck yes, I make mistakes.” I know that I is my answer. I make mistakes dozens of times in a single day. And not just the “huge” mistakes like yelling at the dog or getting ticked at my Beloved husband for a miscommunication issue. But even the small stuff. Like misspelling a word. (I actually misspelled the word “misspell” til my computer lit up and reminded me it has two S’s.)

As a writer, I make tons of mistakes. Most of them you (hopefully?) don’t see because I delete words or sentences, utilize spell check and read through a post before I push publish. [Read more…]

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Finding Jesus in the Little Stuff (Link-Up)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Jesus has done some pretty incredible miracles.

In the Bible, we read about Him turning water into wine, healing the sick, raising the dead.

Every now and then, He graces our household with a seemingly impossible miracle too.

He occasionally brings my husband and I to agreement on a movie to watch. [Read more…]

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Introducing: Everyday Jesus Link-up

It has been SUCH an incredible blessing to build, grow and host 7 Days Time ministry the past couple of years.

We’ve been able to write (a lot!), serve through our Factor of 7 experiences, pray, coach, encourage and hook folks up with some coolio Jesus freebies. 

Now we are digging even deeper to build this remarkable online God-community. I would like to introduce you to a new dimension of 7 Days Time… We are entering the exciting world of hosting a link-up. (Insert profound trumpet sound here!) [Read more…]

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