Why Jesus Needed an Eraser for His Pencil (#EverydayJesus Linkup)

Do you ever make mistakes?

If you answered no to this question, then you are excused. (And might I recommend Googling the phrase “honesty is the best policy?”)

For all the rest of us normal folks, the answer to that question is probably, “Heck yes, I make mistakes.” I know that I is my answer. I make mistakes dozens of times in a single day. And not just the “huge” mistakes like yelling at the dog or getting ticked at my Beloved husband for a miscommunication issue. But even the small stuff. Like misspelling a word. (I actually misspelled the word “misspell” til my computer lit up and reminded me it has two S’s.)

As a writer, I make tons of mistakes. Most of them you (hopefully?) don’t see because I delete words or sentences, utilize spell check and read through a post before I push publish.

But I’m far from perfect and still rock that backspace button like there’s no tomorrow.

Which poses a question: Did Jesus need an eraser for His pencil?

pencil eraser

I think that as Christians, we sometimes treat Jesus as sort of this non-human, unattainable thing. Yes, He is sure Lord of Lord and King of Kings. He is the Savior of the world. He is kind of a big deal. If He was around today, I am sure He would have many leather-bound books and his apartment would smell of rich mahogany. (“Anchorman” movie reference there in case you are confused.)

Yes, He is kind of a rock star. But how often do we think about the fact that he was fully God AND fully human??

If He was human, he made mistakes. (Not to be confused with sinning his mistakes never resulted in sin.)

Since He was fully human, that means He was once a tiny baby then a toddler then a tween then a teenager and finally an adult.

I’m gonna go out on a  faith-filled limb here and guess that sometimes He made mistakes on his algebra homework. God wasn’t giving Him the answers, but rather growing Him as both a person and the Messiah.

So yes, I think Jesus needed an eraser for his pencil.

He experienced the same trials and temptations that we do… Although He was so tight with His Father (See: God) that while He made mistakes in the learning process, those mistakes stopped before they resulted in sin.

If only that worked that way for us, eh? (Can I get an AMEN?)

It is so important to understand that Jesus DID need an eraser for his pencil– it’s ok to make mistakes. If we are tapped into Him, seeing His grace in our mistakes, then maybe, just maybe– we can stop them from resulting in sin.

Isn’t that a cool thought?

Friends, I pray this encourages you. If Jesus needed an eraser for His pencil, you too deserve an “eraser” for your everyday lives. Give yourself some grace when you make mistakes like leaving the backyard gate open for the dog to escape or only remember those veggies in the bottom drawer of the fridge after they turn into a science experiment.

Embrace the fact that He doesn’t want us to be flawless or perfect. He just wants us to be obedient. We can see Jesus everyday… Even in our mistakes.

And His grace is the best eraser we could ever ask for.

Erasing and proud of it,

Initials Signature Blog

“Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way.” ~2 Timothy 3:16 MSG
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