Merry Christmas 2013 (Year in Review)

Merry Christmas Friends and Family!

Tis that time of year (again?!?) for reflection and rejoicing on the events of 2013. Since this also serves as my complete “Christmas Letter” to my peeps (hey, postage is expensive when you are still working for Jesus dollars,) I want to share with you some highlights from our year… And the links that go with them. (No need to reinvent the wheel, right?) [Read more…]

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One Word 2013 Update: STAND

Can you believe that 2013 is already more than half over? (Or if you are more of a glass-half-full kinda person… We have another half a year to go in 2013!)

No matter how you say it… It’s been a wild ride.

As you might remember back at the beginning of January when I shared with you my “One Word” for 2013… STAND. In the last 6-plus months, it’s been really interesting to watch God make that word real in my life.

Now, don’t get me wrong– it’s not been an exceptionally rough or necessarily “bad” 6 months… It’s just been… Intense. [Read more…]

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The Power of One Word: 2013

Believe it or not, one word can make quite a difference in a conversation, in a blog post, and yes, even in a life.

I participated in the “One Word” challenge for the first time in 2012. For the entire 12 months, God helped me to learn, grow and be shaped around the word “Dependence.”

Now that 2013 is upon us (Happy New Year, by the way!) it is time for a new challenge.

I’ve been praying for the last month or so for my new word… And today is the big reveal… READY?

Drum roll please… [Read more…]

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