My Christmas Meaning- A Poem (Army Wife Network)

I am no Emily Dickinson. Definitely not even close to Robert Frost. And even though I might add a “-th” to random words and say “thou” or “thee” on occasion (just because I can) I will never be a great playwright/poet like William Shakespeare.

But sometimes, I get to feeling a bit salty and try to bust out my mad rhyming skills. Because it makes me feel cool and I think of how to rhyme words like “fo-shizzle” in my head. (Note: I will not be a rapper anytime soon either. So don’t panic. Please put down the phone if you were planning on calling your Congressman.)

Today, I would like to share what Christmas means to me by way of a poem. This won’t be winning any poetry awards anytime soon, but if I have fun writing it (and you get just a tiny bit of enjoyment out of reading it) then I vote yes. Here goes…


You probably know that I am a proud Army Wife,
It’s no real secret to anyone around,
I, out of necessity, often do things differently,
Living life with “boots on the ground.”

Being married to a soldier,
Changes my perspective on much,
Especially when it comes to holidays,
How we celebrate special occasions and such.

Every year right after Turkey Day,
Seems the fall air and attitude shifts,
So many in our world change from thankfulness,
To the chaos of who gets what gifts.

But to me, Christmas is greater,
Much bigger than shopping and decor,
More profound than feasting and vacation,
Oh yes, to me Christmas is much more.

Don’t worry… The poem doesn’t stop here. Jump over to Army Wife Network to discover what Christmas REALLY means to me.

Dear readers… What does Christmas mean to you? I would love to hear your heart on this subject. Feel free to join the conversation and leave a comment below.

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Happy Birthday Jesus,

Initials Signature Blog

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” ~Isaiah 9:6

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Humorous Holiday Hacks, Round 2 (Army Wife Network)

Can we just all take a collective, deep cleansing breath?

I don’t know about you, sister… But sometimes the holidays stress me out.

Sure, last month I made the vow to switch things up a bit this year for the holidays, transitioning from stressed to blessed.

But let’s be honest. Even in a “perfect” world, that would be a tall order… let alone trying to mesh that vision with the craziness that is Army-wife life.

One of my coping mechanisms for stress is humor. (Usually this is a good thing… Usually.) Last year, I shared some “Humorous Holiday Hacks” here at Army Wife Network. Apparently, they were well received. (That or people were so desperate for a laugh.)

Either way, I have been asked to expand on my “hacks” from last year,  adding some fresh ones to the mix. [Read more…]

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Because Postage is Expensive (Holiday Recap 2015)

Is it just me, or is postage mucho expensive-o these days? (I’ve been working on my Spanish…)

At the risk of sounding ancient, I remember when buying a book of stamps didn’t cost the equivalent to a first-born child.

Well, now I just sound ungrateful. I’m not. Really. I am so glad that we live in a country where we have such infrastructure to send things across the country for a handful of cash in just a few days.

(Super Random Side Note: I recently discovered how the term “Going Postal” was created. I stood in line in the post office during a lunch hour on a Monday. I had to pray REALLY hard to keep from going cray-cray. I am to be like Jesus, deep breaths, what would Jesus do?… Well, there I go, sounding all ungrateful again. My bad.) [Read more…]

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Thank you for your Son’s Breath…

You might have noticed that in this current season,  Wednesdays are my days to work toward some super-awesome God-sized dreams. So here is a blast from the past straight from the archives. Enjoy, dear friends… and thanks for the grace. 

Today I am re-sharing a pinnable pic just because. I pray is speaks to your heart. 

Oh. And Merry Christmas, you dear ones! 





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Linking up today with my sweet friend Kristin over at Three-word Wednesday and having a little Coffee for your Heart with Holley.  

PS: No #EverydayJesus link up this week. Merry Christmas, friends!

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9 Humorous Holiday Hacks

The holidays are looming.

Some of you out there have already made your list, checked it twice and bought gifts for all those who have been naughty and nice. I know folks who have their holiday meals planned with grocery lists at the ready. Others have already began creating a magnificent Pinterest centerpiece with hopes that guests will talk about it for centuries to come.

If you fall into that category, more power to you sister. (You should invite us over for Christmas. I will bring a store-bought veggie tray. And maybe some Wal-Mart cupcakes.)

I like beautiful Christmas décor. I love eating delicious food. But girls, we are army wives. Managing Household 6 is enough without adding more hoopla to our holiday plate. Society’s Pinterest expectations can only be met when the army/kids/hubs are all in sync.

Around our house, sometimes the only things “in sync” are the dirty dishes. #SeeWhatIDidThere?

If you ever celebrate the holidays at our house and everything is magazine-ish-styled-gourmet-matchy-matchy, just assume my dormant craft/cooking skills blossomed after one too many cups of eggnog.

Perhaps you identify. If so, never fear.  I have found a way to work smarter instead of harder this holiday season.  All it takes is a bit of creativity, a great sense of humor and refined excuse-making skills.

Now presenting: 9 Humorous Holiday Hacks

 Holiday_Hacks1. “Arrrggghhh!! I am almost done wrapping these gifts but am four inches short of having enough paper. The stores are closed and I have to give this gift tomorrow.”
Hack: Use newspaper, old magazines, or even the kid’s used coloring book pages if you are desperate. If anyone questions your methods, simply say that you decided to “Go Green.”

 2.“I tried a new recipe and it tastes funky. It is still edible and safe for consumption (I think), but definitely tastes weird.”
Hack: Tell everyone that you wanted to “experiment” with a new type of eating like Vegan or Whole30. If you don’t want to risk them calling you out (“Wait, Paleo doesn’t use cheese and this thing is smothered in it!”) claim that you are trying to eat “healthier” or that the dish is a “tradition” passed down for 35 generations. If you are really feeling salty, invent a new type of cuisine on the spot. Do this by spelling your favorite holiday food backward and stating it is from your favorite country. “Yeah, this is called yekrut from Morocco.”

3. “I gave my sister a pair of blaze orange Crocs and it was just awkward.”
Hack: When a gift is not well-received, always have a sentimental story on standby. “Sis, don’t you remember when we went to the zoo as kids? You were wearing an orange blazer and your favorite animals were the crocodiles.”

Want to read the rest of the list? Pop on over to Army Wife Network to check it out.

What humorous holiday hacks would you add to the list? I would love to hear from you. Feel free to leave a comment.

Hang onto these hacks and before you know it, everyone will want to know your “secrets” for a stress-free, seamless holiday season. #IsItNewYearsYet?

Here’s to Holiday Humor,

Initials Signature Blog

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ~Proverbs 31:25

Linking up today with Kelli via Unforced Rhythms,  Laura at Playdates with God,  Joan’s  Beauty in His Grip Jen over at Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood,  and Hazel via  Tell Me a Story. Be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up  community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!



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Thank you for your Son’s Breath…

Merry Christmas, Friends.



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Twas the Military Night Before Christmas

Merry Christmas, beloved readers, followers and supporters!

Here at 7 Days Time, we dig tradition, especially around the holidays. So this Christmas, I wanted to re-gift a lil somethin’ somethin’. (Hope you aren’t offended. At least it’s not a fruitcake.) This is a tiny reminder of WHY we celebrate this wonderful holiday. We are free to celebrate thanks to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and our beloved American Military.

A Christmas Salute to you all!!


Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through the base,
Soldiers were last-minute shopping,
Running all over the place.

It has been a crazy year,
Full of missions and drills,
But through serving their country,
Their hearts were fulfilled. [Read more…]

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Merry Christmas 2013 (Year in Review)

Merry Christmas Friends and Family!

Tis that time of year (again?!?) for reflection and rejoicing on the events of 2013. Since this also serves as my complete “Christmas Letter” to my peeps (hey, postage is expensive when you are still working for Jesus dollars,) I want to share with you some highlights from our year… And the links that go with them. (No need to reinvent the wheel, right?) [Read more…]

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Twas the Night Before Christmas ~ A Military-Faith Reprint

Merry Christmas, beloved readers, followers and supporters!

Last year, I wrote a poem for you… and since this ministry has grown leaps and bounds over the last 12 months (thanks, Jesus) I wanted to re-gift it. (Hope you aren’t offended. At least it’s not a fruitcake.) This is a tiny reminder of WHY we celebrate this wonderful holiday. We are free to celebrate thanks to two different sources: Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, and our beloved American Soldier.

Christmas love and blessings to you all!


Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through the base,
Soldiers were last-minute shopping,
Running all over the place.

It has been a crazy year,
Full of missions and drills,
But through serving their country,
Their hearts were fulfilled. [Read more…]

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An Adoptive Heart: Kathleen & Chris

And last but certainly not least… This is our Christmas letter to my dear sister Kathleen and her husband Chris.


Dear Kathleen & Chris—

Merry Christmas! This year’s gift to you is a little different than normal. We wanted to go a different direction since God has really been doing a work on our hearts over the last several months. I know we all enjoy getting “stuff,” but we have chosen to give something that won’t collect dust or break. [Read more…]

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