Practical Peace (#EverydayJesus Link-Up)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Practical Peace

I was so excited.

I quietly shut the door to our master bedroom closet, leaving it cracked so I could hear my toddler in the other room. I softly plopped down in our worn old mushroom chair and exhaled deeply. I lit two tiny votive candles on the makeshift altar. The shadows danced around the small iron cross. The only sound was the very distant hum of the fluorescent light above.

At last. Quiet. Peace. Time to relax and meet with Jesus. All. By. Myself. 

It was great. For about three minutes.

Then that darling tiny human of ours found my sacred hiding spot. It wasn’t long before I realized my peace was quickly evaporating. She yanked the prayer request sticky notes off the wall. I tried to appease her with a note card and pencil to “color,” but the notecard was soon shredded and the pencil was sketching on the white closet wall. I couldn’t decide if I should press on with my attempt to experience peace or not. Suddenly my decision was confirmed by the smell that wafted filled the close quarters.

Poop.  [Read more…]

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