Practicing What We Preach: The Final Lesson

When I was in college, I both loved and loathed finals week.

I loved it because it signaled the end of a semester… which equaled a much anticipated BREAK.

I loathed it because, well… Finals. Duh. #NoPressure

I loved it because other than studying, we had lots of free time to goof around.

I loathed it because at some point, I needed to quit goofing around and get busy with a last-minute learning push.

I loved it because it nearly always involved sweets, treats and delicious food.

I loathed it because of that same reason– and my pants were angry when my waistline *surprisingly* got tighter.

And so friends, today is our final lesson in practicing what we preach when it comes to being like Jesus in our Everyday.  [Read more…]

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Practicing What We Preach: Gratitude

There are a lot of reasons that I love my husband.

He loves Jesus, he is funny, kind, generous, a hard worker… and honest.

Although that last one sometimes finds me less than thrilled.

I don’t mind (too much) when he responds to my question of whether he liked a new recipe as “It was OK.” I don’t get too wound up when he admits (with no remorse) that yes, he left the wet towel on the floor.

However, I tend to semi-loathe his honesty when he takes on the role of wife-caller-outer. [Read more…]

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Practicing What We Preach: Forgiveness

We all have to deal with it.

Releasing it brings freedom, only good things come from experiencing it, but sometimes we refuse to submit and we cling to it like a two-year-old hoarding a piece of candy.

Forgiveness. I have forgotten the number of times I have unofficially coached people to dig deep and forgive someone.

Here at 7 Days Time, it has been quite the topic for discussion. We have an entire page in our Scripture Library dedicated to forgiveness. We have multiple blogs about forgiving ourselves, finding the faith to forgive, and even forgiving in the little, tiny, everyday moments.

Funny thing is, as much as I preach it and write about it, God still places this forgiveness issue on my own heart. [Read more…]

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Practicing what we Preach: Serve

I like to stay busy.

I don’t just like it… I am programmed that way. I dig the feeling of motivation, doing, going, changing the world and am pretty terrible at resting. (Rest is something I am working on… but that is a post for another time.)

Motivation, especially for Jesus can be a great tool. It helps us to love, forgo judging others, and act in obedience.  It can also help us to serve.

Which is what today’s blog post is all about. Welcome to our latest entry in practicing what we preach through service. [Read more…]

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Practicing what we Preach: Grace

It was a typical night.

Baby girl and I had completed the day, successfully avoiding major tear-filled meltdowns (from either one of us.)

Hubs came home after his normal 12+ hours of doing army-ish things. Supper was consumed. And then the debate began.

We were both tired from the day (ok, life in general) and we started negotiating on who would give Tiny Human a bath. She was sticky all over and had somehow managed to get smashed blueberry in her hair– and stuck on her forehead.

We recently changed her nightly routine from supper, play, bath, bedtime to supper, bath, play, bedtime. It seemed to be working and I am a huge proponent of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

But Brandon agreed to give her a bath *if* he could do it right before bedtime.

Exhausted, I agreed. Anything to keep the peace, right?

Well. [Read more…]

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Practicing what we Preach: Submission & Obedience

Since becoming a parent, I have learned a lot.

And I don’t mean about how to keep a tiny human alive and moderately happy.

I mean about faith.

And by faith, I mean submission and obedience to God.

Which brings us to this week’s message on practicing what we preach.  [Read more…]

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Practicing What we Preach: Love

Love is crazy.

And not just the heart-beating-face-flushing-he-is-so-dreamy kind of love.

Jesus love. Yeah. It’s crazy.

Crazy Awesome. 

Think about it. God loves us in spite of ourselves. He loves us through our sins, our failures, when we see something shiny and lose focus on Him.

Considering how much I sin (uh, daily) that is pretty dang crazy.

But yet, He continues to love. And he calls us to do the same.  [Read more…]

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Practicing What We Preach: Do Not Judge

Sometimes I really surprise myself… and not in a good way.

I am a Christian, have been for several years, writing about Jesus, walking with Jesus, working for Jesus…

But I still struggle not to judge like Jesus tells me to.

It’s disgusting, but as we work through this “Practicing what we Preach” series, authenticity is the only way to go about it.

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Series Intro: Practicing what we Preach

It is SO easy to talk the talk.

Believe me, I know. I am an auctioneer, an extrovert AND a Christian.

Talking is totally my jam.

But the challenge comes when we are called not to talk the talk but also walk the walk.

The inability to do just that is one of the main reasons why people shy away from “religion,” or specifically Christianity.

From my experience, many nonbelievers are nonbelievers because they feel like the “church” is filled with hypocrites.

And do you know what? They are right. [Read more…]

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