Life “Tip” (Factor of 7)

It’s been awhile since we have posted a fresh Factor of 7 here at 7 Days Time. We’ve done a few small ones over the last several months, but we wanted to share one of most recent random acts of kindness with you. Because it was fun. And hey, who doesn’t need a little extra holiday cheer and generosity?

A couple of weeks ago, the hubs, kiddo and I went on an impromptu evening out. It was a random Thursday, and honestly, we hadn’t done much “fun” stuff for a while. Mainly because I am getting more pregnant by the day (obviously) and husband recently broke his leg.  So yeah, we’ve been pretty chill. But finally ventured out of the house.

After a riveting experience browsing at Goodwill and Wal-Mart (I know, we are quite the party animals!) we went out for supper at one of our new favorite restaurants in the area… Mama wanted some preggo-safe sushi, so we splurged. [Read more…]

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Practicing what we Preach: Serve

I like to stay busy.

I don’t just like it… I am programmed that way. I dig the feeling of motivation, doing, going, changing the world and am pretty terrible at resting. (Rest is something I am working on… but that is a post for another time.)

Motivation, especially for Jesus can be a great tool. It helps us to love, forgo judging others, and act in obedience.  It can also help us to serve.

Which is what today’s blog post is all about. Welcome to our latest entry in practicing what we preach through service. [Read more…]

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Advent Adventures (& Everyday Jesus Link-Up)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, everyday! 


It is already the middle of January and for a lot of folks. the Christmas/Advent season feels like it happened a bajillion years ago.

And that might be a relief. But for our little Knobloch family, the lessons learned during Advent 2013 have stuck with us. In fact, I wanted to share a few of our Advent Adventures with you today. [Read more…]

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Factor of 7: Jaw-Dropping Jesus Moment

Ever have a moment that catches you so off guard that your jaw just drops open automatically?

I have. Several times actually. It can be a result of some shocking information (“So-and-so is getting married!” or “Jim Bob down the road wrecked his truck because he hit a cow—but don’t worry, he’s ok.”) Perhaps it’s from someone jumping out from around the corner trying to startle someone. (which the jaw-drop is quickly followed by a thwack from me to the alleged scarer.)  Sometimes I don’t even know my mouth is gaping open with surprise til someone awkwardly tells me to pick my jaw up off the floor and close my mouth. (Such a proud moment. Sigh.)

A few days ago, my beloved husband and I had a pretty intense jaw-dropping moment… brought to us by Jesus Himself. Here’s what went down… [Read more…]

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Ideas Wanted: Factor of 7

Readers… we need your help.

Remember the acts of kindness movement we do here at 7 Days Time called Factor of 7? You know, the whole thing about us randomly sharing Jesus’ love in unique and unexpected ways? Well, 2012 has been an awesome year of giving, loving and praying… but 2013 is sneaking up on us! We would love your ideas and input for any creative ideas for 2013 Factor of 7 movements.

Heaven is the limit. (Literally.) Anything goes. Maybe it’s something you’ve heard of, thought about, dreamt of, or experienced yourself.  Get creative. Leave your suggestions by commenting below. [Read more…]

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Get Rich Quick…

Maybe it’s just me… but sometimes I still find myself being a little surprised/shocked at how many folks want to “make it big” and “get rich quick.”

Every day, we encounter some kind of “great plan” giving us the chance to make some alleged fast cash. Now,  I’m sure some of those business schemes ideas are legit, but really, most just make me roll my eyes.

This blog post is not a slam against monetary success. We’ve talked about it before– Jesus never said money in itself was the root of evil. The LOVE of money is. Ultimately, our reaction to it determines the result.

It can bless. Or it can destroy. We get to choose. [Read more…]

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One is Enough: A Personal Reminder

Ministry is HARD. Heck, who I am I kidding– LIFE is hard!! And exhausting. And confusing. Yet depending on how we live our lives– it can be incredibly rewarding.

As I was driving to work yesterday, my heart was heavy… My Facebook ministry page was ticking me off, because FB decided to start filtering who sees what posts. Which means sometimes only 10% of followers will see these posts unless I literally PAY to promote it.

But I digress. SIGH.

I was thinking… “Lord, does this really matter? What am I working for? Is it worth it?” [Read more…]

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“Serving” Up a Hot Vliggity Vlog

I love making up words.

Perhaps you figured that out with the title of this post. Seriously. (Vliggity? I need to cut back on the Jesus caffeine.)

If you are already confused and/or exhausted from your remaining turkey tryptophan coma or Black Friday shopping, my apologies. You are excused to go get a nap then come back. 😉

Ok. Let’s get down to business.

Today’s post is a variation of Five Minute Friday. Since it is a holiday-ish weekend, I thought I would take a slightly different approach. So today is a short little guest VLOG (video blog) day. [Read more…]

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From Never to Forever (Preaching Recap)

Have I mentioned lately that GOD ROCKS?!?!?

I have? Oh. Well, just in case you forgot—GOD ROCKS!

Last Sunday, I had the incredible opportunity to preach… yes, for the first time ever. For two services. The attendees at Kincaid UMC and Welda UMC were wonderful! And I am happy to report that God showed up and showed out in some pretty remarkable ways.

As we rejoice in God’s goodness and power today, I wanted to share with you a synopsis of the message that God laid on my heart. The following is an abbreviated version of my notes since it was a 25-minute sermon and that is a bit much for a single blog post. (Forgive the choppiness… That is why they are notes. Although I did try to make them legible for purposes of this post.) [Read more…]

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Factor of 7: How Sweet It Is

I’ve always heard that the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

Honestly, I think that is only half correct for a couple of reasons. First of all, I am woman and I love food– so someone can sure win my heart via something deep-fried and covered in chocolate. (Although I try to avoid that… most of the time. Something about healthy foods and maintaining a healthy weight. Sigh.)

The second reason that I believe that old saying is only partially correct is due to the fact that while I don’t know how easy it is to reach someone’s heart with food, I do know that if you show them unexpected kindness (especially in the form of a sweet treat) they sure do open up their heart in a hurry. [Read more…]

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