Travel Log (Appendix) Part 2

I know… FINALLY! This post will conclude the crazy travels/adventures/blessings that my family experienced during our major life moving transitions in the fall of 2016… Cue collective sigh of relief. (And pardon me while I go take an epic nap.)

BTW: If you want to recap our entire journey, check out these previous posts:

Travel Log Part 1
Travel Log Part 2
Travel Log Part 3
Travel Log Part 4
Travel Log Appendix Part 1


Travel log (Appendix) Day-feels-like-873… Hello (again) from Indianapolis!

1. Today was legit. I now insist that Becky Fouard accompany me the rest of the way to GA, because the time truly flies when you have the greatest road trip partner on the planet. I’m sure her big kid job would totally understand.

2. We practically talked about everything under the sun today. Except chemistry. We hate chemistry.

3. Charis is still the champion road tripper. The true test shall come in the final two days as I conquer the last few hundred miles with her solo.

4. We saw some interesting things to/from Indy… A traffic accident with the life flight helicopter literally landing on the interstate (scary! I prayed out loud for them) and today, a solitary car rolling smoke literally charbroiled… Nothing left but the charcoal shell. But there was no ambulance in sight so we were hoping it was abandoned and spontaneously combusted.

5. Which led to a very interesting conversation about the rapture. Natural segway.

6. Even after the absolute transient lifestyle and long days the last several weeks, one of my fave parts is finally falling into bed, letting the night stillness take over… And feeling our still-cooking-Tiny Human flop around in my preggo road tripping belly.


DeJaVroom: that hauntingly familiar feeling that you’ve been engaged in the same daily road tripping routine for more days of the last month that you care to count.

See also: “Groundhog Day the Movie Hits the Road.”


Travel log (appendix) Day ROADTRIP FINALE EVE!!

1. Made it to Woodlawn, TN aka Abbie and Austin’s house for the THIRD time. Man, we have hospitable cousins!

2. Charis had two “moments” today that I likely should have reprimanded but was laughing too hard.

First: As we are waiting in line for drive through to get my daily road tripping beverages, I hear this from the back seat… “GAAAHHH! Mama, what is that guy doing?!? He is holding up the line!!”

And second: after visiting the Kentucky Derby Museum in Louisville, we were in the car and I was loading the GPS. Again from the backseat I hear, “Mama, LET’S GO!”

“Charis Benning, you need to be patience and RELAX.”

“Ok. Fine. I will chill out.”

3. There’s a lot of “Villes” in the South… Louisville, Nashville, Jacksonville, Scottsville, Russellville, Dawsonville, Clarksville, Hopkinsville, Bonnieville, Shepherdsville, Gainsville. Today I ran across a new one: Cementville. Bet it’s a “hard” place to live. #SoPunny #CouldntResist

4. Lord willing, tomorrow is our LAST day of traveling. #JesusTakeThisWheelAllTheWayToGeorgia



In honor of what I truly hope is our Roadtrip Finale, I give you the Jordy Nelson chant, road trip style. (My K-State Peeps will understand.)

Last day of traveling! (Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!)

Dig deep for patience! (Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!)

Sleeping in my own bed tonight! (Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!)

Go to my happy place! (Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!)

Jesus take this wheel! (Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!)


Travel log FINALE! Hello (to stay) from Dahlonega, Ga. Mixing it up tonight… So here’s our trip, by the numbers:

*Lived the nomadic (see also: out of a suitcase) lifestyle for 24 of last 33 days.

*6,610 miles driven (in my vehicle alone)

*74 Pitstops i.e., any stop made after breakfast but before arriving at final daily destination that included purchasing food, gas, and/or bathroom break.

*9 occasions of changing time zones (for minimum of 12 hours… As some interstates weave back and forth)

*18 individual states driven through (Several states touched multiple times: MO, TN, GA three times, IL, IN, KS, KY twice each)

*4,698 prayers said (approximately)

Now, if anyone needs me, I will NOT be in the car.


Mission Accomplished for His Glory,

Initials Signature Blog

“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” ~2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV

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