Fat Free-Dom (Wives of Faith)

Since becoming an adult, I do everything I can to avoid the F-word.

Wait, wait– not THAT F-word. (This is a Christian blog, for crying out loud! Avoiding THAT word is surely implied.)

This F-word:


For some reason, back when He was drawing up plans for heaven and earth, God saw fit to make me struggle with physical fitness. For as long as I can remember, I turned to food when I am stressed. Or happy. Or lonely. Or… you get the picture.

Food and I were BFFs. 2-gether, 4-ever. Until…  [Read more…]

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Spiritual Duct Tape

I am relatively certain we have about twelve rolls of duct tape lying around the house.

Our rolls go by several different names and appearances, like the classic silver duct tape, colored duct tape, Gorilla tape, and my personal favorite, the military version “100 mile-per-hour tape.”

But all serve essentially the same purpose– put things back together or hold something into place.

I love duct tape. I love it so much in fact, that I wore a duct tape outfit to senior prom. 

Over the years, I have used duct tape for a variety of quick-fixes, and my husband will attest the same. But with that strategy, I have also learned that duct tape is only a temporary fix. [Read more…]

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Our Spiritual Temper Tantrums #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


My daughter, being the apparent (hereditary) overachiever that she is, hit the Terrible Twos early.

Several months before her second birthday, it was like a switch was flipped and she learned the power of a tantrum.

We went from moderately peaceful breakfasts to complete, total, utter meltdowns because she wanted a different color of cheese. (Like I am supposed to know THAT?)

In all honesty, her tantrums really aren’t terrible… But if you ever stop by during one of these meltdowns, you will probably witness me talking to the ceiling, sighing heavily, rolling my eyes and muttering something like, “Lord in heaven… Are you serious right now?”  [Read more…]

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Operation “Fortitude” Fitness (Month #6)

I don’t know about you all… but I’m a little sweaty.

Ok, not sweaty at this very moment as I type, but I was sweaty earlier. (I showered. You are welcome.) This operation fortitude fitness business is sweaty work. Plus, it’s now July in Georgia.

Yikes. Can someone hand me a towel?

Anywho, June was a good month for my “Smart Changes” for 2012. (Click here to read the original post to get caught up to speed.) [Read more…]

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