Hidden Ah-Ha’s: Delivered from our Troubles

Ug. We’ve all had those days.

You know, the days where things are just not going well.  Maybe the baby is sick. Perhaps you realize you are out of a key ingredient for your crockpot supper. Or it’s still 10 days til payday and you can’t help but wonder how close you are going to cut it this time. Maybe you left the windows down on your car and now it’s raining. Or as you drove to work today, you were greeted by red and white flashing lights in your rear-view. (I thought the light was yellow???)

We are weary. Short-tempered. Ready to throw in the towel, lock ourselves in the bathroom with a glass of wine and/or a serving (or 12) of dark chocolate.

Life’s everyday troubles. We have to deal with them. But we DON’T have to let them define us.

Enter stage left, our faith. Now, faith isn’t just for the BIG moments in life. Our everyday faith helps us through the everyday stuff. And today’s Hidden Ah-Ha verse reminds us of just that:

“The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all…” ~Psalm 39:14 NIV

Righteous troubles

There are about a million directions that I could go with this post– but for time’s sake, let’s assume that we (believers) are the “righteous” here and we all have troubles of all sizes. And God is ALWAYS there. <<<Hint: This is what we will be focusing on.)

Our Lord is not a “Big Event” God. Yes, He absolutely is with us in the BIG life stuff (sickness, death, job loss, infertility, financial challenges,  you name it.) And in those moments, we might very well feel closer to Him than ever before.

But He is also with us in our everyday troubles. Car won’t start. Toilet is clogged (again.) That pesky tooth you just got filled still aches.

Feel free to add your own items to this list.

Yes, my friends– we might have many troubles, but God is gonna help us through them ALL.

Not some. Not most. Not a few. ALL.

I totally dig how The Message puts this verse:

“Disciples so often get into trouble; still, God is there every time.”

How awesome is that? God is there, every time. He doesn’t leave us out to dry or figure it out on our own, but instead holds our hand offering comfort, courage and confidence to the sometimes ickiness of everyday life in our fallen world.

Let that sink it. Take a deep breath and feel it wash over you.

God delivers us through all of our troubles.

Ahhhh… Feel better? Yeah. Me too.

What type of troubles are you facing today? Do you believe that God is gonna carry you through it? Need a little extra prayer boost? (Submit a prayer request.)

Lemme know by leaving a comment. Your feedback ALWAYS blesses me.

Cling tight to this Hidden Ah-Ha truth, my friends. The closer you stand to God, the more you will feel His presence. And the more joy we will experience as He delivers us from our troubles… Daily.

Holding onto Him,
Initials Signature Blog

“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.” ~Psalm 34:17 NIV

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