Hidden Ah-Ha’s: Delivered from our Troubles

Ug. We’ve all had those days.

You know, the days where things are just not going well.  Maybe the baby is sick. Perhaps you realize you are out of a key ingredient for your crockpot supper. Or it’s still 10 days til payday and you can’t help but wonder how close you are going to cut it this time. Maybe you left the windows down on your car and now it’s raining. Or as you drove to work today, you were greeted by red and white flashing lights in your rear-view. (I thought the light was yellow???)

We are weary. Short-tempered. Ready to throw in the towel, lock ourselves in the bathroom with a glass of wine and/or a serving (or 12) of dark chocolate.

Life’s everyday troubles. We have to deal with them. But we DON’T have to let them define us. [Read more…]

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