Hidden Ah-Ha’s: That’s a Wrap!

I really have no desire to be a movie director or live in Hollywood. Really, I don’t.

But if I did, I think the coolest things about it (in addition to talking through one of those big megaphones… wait, they don’t use those anymore, do they?) would be after months filming, reaching that moment when you are done.

As the cast and crew looks at each other with relief and nostalgia, the director starts to clap and says with tears in her eyes, “That’s a wrap!” [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha: The Only Thing that Counts

There are a lot of books, movies and discussion groups out there that always seem to be attempting to answer one question:

“What is the meaning of life?”

It’s a good question, and a hard one at that. But I don’t think the answer is going to be found in a Hollywood production or just any old book.

For me, my heart knows what counts. [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha’s: Don’t be afraid… Just Trust

I saw a quote recently (I think it was on Pinterest) that said, “Cookies with raisins in them are the reason I have trust issues.”

I laughed. Because it’s true. There’s been times where I was overjoyed to chomp down on a warm, soft chocolate chip cookie only to have my heart shatter in a million tiny pieces when I realized that those dark brown spots were not in fact bits of heaven in milk chocolate form, but rather dried fruit.

And I am only being SLIGHTLY mellow dramatic here.

But honestly, I have trust issues that go deeper than the age-old chocolate chip vs. raisin debacle. [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha’s: Mercy Triumphs over Judgment

We live in such a judgmental world. UG.

I say this because this is something I still struggle with and God is doing a pretty intense work on me . My ridiculous fleshy self is still being subdued by the heart of Christ in me. It’s a process. But passing split-second judgments still happen for me (although I am immediately convicted.)  So this is why today’s Hidden Ah-Ha really tugged on my heartstrings. It’s a short four-word phrase found in James… [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha’s: Good and Faithful Servant

 Some days I simply CANNOT wait until I get to heaven.

Now don’t take that the wrong way. I’m not looking for an early way out or anything. But on my bad AND good days, sometimes the idea of heaven is so intoxicating.

Our hearts desire to be there. A place with no pain. A place with no sad tears. A place with no suffering. And most of all… a place with JESUS. [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha’s: Such Great Faith

Sometimes I wonder what Jesus would say about us if He was talking to someone else.

Would He acknowledge our faults but still gush lovingly? “Yeah, she is definitely human… But man oh man, do I love her!!”

Or would He share remarks on our skills and attributes? “We made this chick special. She can multitask like a champ and she is pretty resourceful.”

Or… Would He react like He did in today’s Hidden Ah-Ha as He referred to the Faith of the Centurion?  “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.” [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha’s: Delivered from our Troubles

Ug. We’ve all had those days.

You know, the days where things are just not going well.  Maybe the baby is sick. Perhaps you realize you are out of a key ingredient for your crockpot supper. Or it’s still 10 days til payday and you can’t help but wonder how close you are going to cut it this time. Maybe you left the windows down on your car and now it’s raining. Or as you drove to work today, you were greeted by red and white flashing lights in your rear-view. (I thought the light was yellow???)

We are weary. Short-tempered. Ready to throw in the towel, lock ourselves in the bathroom with a glass of wine and/or a serving (or 12) of dark chocolate.

Life’s everyday troubles. We have to deal with them. But we DON’T have to let them define us. [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha’s: Faith by Deeds

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think we kind of live in a “do what I say, not what I do” culture.

Or more like a “please ignore the fact that I say one thing but do another” culture.

Hey, I’m not condemning or convicting anyone (totally not my job– plus, I struggle with this too. It’s like we are sinners or something.) But  we act as if this whole concept of living up to the call on our lives is negotiable, like we can make the rules.

Newsflash: It’s not and we don’t. [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha’s: No Fear of Bad News

There are few things in this world that make my heart jump into my throat faster than a phone call from my Beloved that starts like this:

“Hey, Sharita. So… I’ve got some news.”

Please excuse me until I stop hyperventilating. (Just kidding.)

But seriously. I can vividly remember early on in our relationship (during a deployment) how those words could bring me to my knees almost immediately. [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha’s: Stand Firm & Fall to God

I remember singing that old (as in 1993!) country song by Aaron Tippin.

He’d say you’ve got to stand for somethin’ or you’ll fall for anything
You’ve got to be your own man, not a puppet on a string
Never compromise what’s right and uphold your family name
You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything

Back when I was a little girl, I didn’t really give much thought to those lyrics. But now, “standing” for “something” has a totally different meaning for me. [Read more…]

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