The Difference between Grilling Steak & Working for Jesus

In college, I took a Meat Science class. (Don’t freak out… I was an animal science major at Kansas State…)

I learned a lot of interesting things in that class, most of which I have (unfortunately) not retained long term. HOWEVER, there is one statement from our rather feisty-old-man-professor Dr. Hunt that I will never forget.

We were talking about the different “doneness” of meat, specifically steak. He told us this, which has since stuck in my brain for nearly a decade: [Read more…]

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The Purple People Pleaser

I sure sang some weird songs growing up.

Well, I mean they didn’t SEEM weird at the time. But now as a grown-uppish kind of person, I have started to learn about the “background” info of some childhood tunes.

“London Bridge” is rumored to be about a viking siege, child prisoners or a colossal architectural disaster.

“Ring around the Rosie” is based on a song created about a plague. Yeah. The “ring” was a rash. The “posey” was something an afflicted person carried in their pocket to ward off the symptoms of the disease. And I bet you can figure out what “Ashes, ashes, we all fall down!” was referring to. #UmYikes

Can’t I just be five years old and naive again?

Recently, I was thinking about another song that we sang in elementary music class…  The One-Eyed, One-horned, Flying Purple People Eater.

Did I ever actually LISTEN to the lyrics? How am I not scarred for life?

Admittedly, this song was meant to be silly and light-hearted. But the insinuation of eating humans seems like something of a nightmare.

And for some reason, I realized with just a slight name-tweak of that “monster,” I get a result that scares me even now as an adult.

The Purple People PLEASER[Read more…]

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Too Close to See the Fruit

Sometimes reminiscing is one of my favorite things to do.

Especially on days when the present is just a little much for my heart/brain/everything to handle.

I loved the days when we were young, growing up in rural Kansas. The days when my biggest worry was how angry Mom was going to get from our muddy clothes or if a horse drinking a bucket of tadpoles was actually dangerous.

Those were the days.

As I recently sat pondering about my current roles involving marriage, motherhood and ministry, my mind drifted back to another of our favorite past times.

Climbing trees. [Read more…]

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Courageous Faith: Action

Sometimes in ministry, there are moments so intense, it nearly paralyzes me.

You know what? Let me rephrase that.

Sometimes in LIFE, there are moments so intense, it nearly paralyzes me.

And I have experienced a few of those moments in the last few weeks.  [Read more…]

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Being the Brand

You recognize them anywhere and their image might conjure up all sorts of feelings in you.

No. I’m not talking about that kid that used to pick on you in elementary school or your high school crush.

I’m referring to a well-marketed brand. You know, like the Nike Swoosh or Twitter’s cartoon bird silhouette or even those magical golden double arches of McDonald’s.

Well guess what? Now 7 Days Time has a brand too! (With fewer calories than Mickey D’s.)  Perhaps you noticed it sprinkled around the last few days– on posts, pages, newsletter emails. [Read more…]

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A Happy Dance (And Giveaway Results)

Sometimes God just blows me away.

Seriously. I look back on the last few years, and I’m like “REALLY, GOD? REALLY!?! Wow. You rock.” 

A couple of years ago, I was blindsided by the call to ministry… I didn’t see it coming. Like, at all. I had a bachelor’s degree in animal science, for Pete’s sake.

And if you would have told me I would be in ministry, write 400+ blog posts in the next couple of years and become a spiritual leadership coach, I would have seriously wondered if you had gotten a little cray-cray with the communion wine. (Although I think most places, including our current church, use grape juice… but I digress.) [Read more…]

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Blog Niche Nada– GIVEAWAY!

Keep reading for the GIVEAWAY details! :-)

Keep reading for the GIVEAWAY details! 🙂

Hi there compadres.

Long time no blog. (Ok. It’s only been like 10 days. But it feel like forever.)

It’s been an intense past week and a half unpacking, organizing, decorating (ish) and acclimating to our new home. We are plus or minus settled in at our humble little Washington abode (thank you, Jesus!) so it’s back to business as usual.

Well. Sorta. [Read more…]

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Changing Seasons: Groom, Prune & Bloom

Ahhhh… The seasons are changing and spring is in the air. Trees are budding and flowers are blooming.

Such a promising time of year.

But that promise doesn’t stop with nature. In fact, it applies to all of us, in all locations and seasons of our life.

Don’t believe me? Let me prove it.

Over the last year and half or so, I have been privileged to volunteer as SERVE Ministry Apprentice at Christ Community Church. It has been a time of growth… in more ways than one. [Read more…]

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Caution: Extra Grace Required

Well all have them in our lives.

You know them well.

In fact, all of us probably ARE these kinds of people from time to time.

That’s right. Those folks in your life who try your patience. That require prayer to deal with. Sometimes the mere sight of them makes your heart race.

They are EGR’s: Extra Grace Required. [Read more…]

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Put me in, Coach!!

I am really uncoordinated.

For any of you who have met me in person, you will probably be willing to verify this statement. For my sweet readers who know me primarily through this computer screen, let me clarify.

We’ve mentioned in previous entries that I am the girl who tends to fall UP the stairs. I drop things on a semi-regular basis. I think I have even tripped over the lines in the sidewalk before. [Read more…]

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