My “Brother” Peter

Oh Peter.

Whenever I read about Apostle Peter’s escapades in the Bible, I can’t help but smile. Mainly because I identify so much with him. In contemporary speak, he would totes be my homeboy. Bro, even.

Why, you ask? Well, one minute he is on fire for the Lord, pledging his allegiance and swearing he will follow him no matter what, even to death… Then a few hours later Peter has denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed. [Read more…]

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Caution: Extra Grace Required

Well all have them in our lives.

You know them well.

In fact, all of us probably ARE these kinds of people from time to time.

That’s right. Those folks in your life who try your patience. That require prayer to deal with. Sometimes the mere sight of them makes your heart race.

They are EGR’s: Extra Grace Required. [Read more…]

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The Rule of 4.0

“Moooommmm… I… didn’t…do…good…on… (sob)…my (gasp)… Chemistry… (sniff)…tessssttttttt. I…won’t…get…an.. A!” 

That is a real (ok, paraphrased) excerpt from a conversation that I frequently had with my Mom on the phone my freshmen year of college at K-State.

Chemistry was a nightmare. And when I bombed that first test, I was convinced my life was over. Seriously. Up until that point, I had only gotten a “B” on a report card ONCE in my life, and that was my freshmen year of high school in Algebra. (What IS it with freshmen year? And boo on math.) [Read more…]

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To All His Good and Faithful Servants

God’s love and affirmation can come in my forms…

God speaks to us in many ways… Sometimes it is through Scripture. Occasionally through song. Or another person.

And sometimes, He just straight up talks to us. However– we have to be willing to listen.

Today’s post isn’t eloquent or hilarious or exceptionally creative. It is a loving word I received from Him during the last few moments of my sabbatical in Pine Mountain this past weekend. [Read more…]

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Amazing Grace-centered Living: How Sweet the Sound!

As you might have noticed, God has been tugging on my heart A LOT lately about grace. Ironically, the following post was a discussion board prompt I submitted dealing with grace-centered vs. law-centered living and ministry last week… It has been “edited” a bit for bloggity-ness, but hope it gets your wheels a-turning! ~SGK [Read more…]

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The Art of Being “Grace-Full”

I am not graceful. In fact, if you ask my Mama, she would correctly (and lovingly?) state that I am downright clumsy. She loves to tell people that I am “that girl” that can manage to fall UP the stairs. I find it rather an odd bragging right and slightly ironic, since the very thing happened yesterday morning. My flip-flop-tripping-up-the-stairs-experience was followed by a very loud cry of “OH BOLOGNA SANDWICHES!” as I stared down at my throbbing toes/knees. (I’ve been working on weeding out word-vomiting of the occasional profanities, hence the random reference to lunch items.) [Read more…]

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