A Little Jesus Leadership Pep-Talk

Recently I was hosting a leadership retreat for my sweet board of PWOC sisters. I intentionally carved out a bit of CRAVE time to just sit in God’s presence to see what He had to say.

Here is how He responded… And I wanted to share it with you, just in case YOU needed to hear it today. [Read more…]

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Bad things. Good People. Great God.

In lieu of the holiday season, I am taking a quick breather (for a couple of weeks) from cranking out lots of fresh material. There will still be blogs posted, some new, some reposts. Like this one. I pray it speaks to your heart today!


I have heard this phrase in many conversations. I have witnessed it on Facebook statuses. I have even seen it on a billboard.

“Why do bad things happen to good people?”

That is a good question. And a tough one at that. I’m not gonna get all theological on you today (my brain isn’t quite up for that level of discussion) but I think that “Bad things” happen to “Good people” due to sin. [Read more…]

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The Reset Button (#EverydayJesus Link-up)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Do you ever wish we could just hit a reset button and start over?

I do.

Earlier this week, I was having one of “those mornings.”

I thought it was just me… perhaps I was just in a mood. Or better yet, my favorite excuse: hormones.

That morning,  I was easily rattled. Tiny Human woke up at 5:14am. The 12-lb dog found the gate left open by my Beloved hubs and sprinted across the neighborhood, howling like a high-pitched coon dog. He quickly returned when he heard the tone in my voice (and the fact that my quest to never-ever cuss was temporarily abandoned. Don’t worry. It was only one word. I repented.)

Then Tiny Human was squeaking for breakfast and I tripped over the dog as I scramble to appease her.  I was flustered, already sweating and begging God for a reset button.

We had been awake for 14 minutes. [Read more…]

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An Ungrateful Heart & a Gentle Thwack between the Eyes (#EverydayJesus)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Some days I feel almost ok about my state of heart when it comes to following Jesus.

Like on days where His patience shines through with my daughter or I manage not to snap at the hubs when the dishes fail to make the two-foot leap from the sink to the dishwasher. Or when I have an extra-awesome quiet time or get a lot of His work done during nap time.

Then there are other days that my sin-nature rears its very, very ugly head and shocks me into an almost speechless mode. (And for those of you who have met me, you know that me + speechless = pretty serious situation.)

This ugliness recently showed up at my breakfast table during my quiet time.  [Read more…]

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O.N.E is Enough (Message Recap)

In a world of more, it’s hard to understand and fully grasp the concept that One  is enough. When it comes to loving and serving others, this is exceptionally true. As we enter into the holiday season, it is a great time to embrace this concept.

Recently, I had the opportunity to address about 250 students at the 2013 Family Career and Community Leaders of America District H Conference in Garnett, KS. God put this idea of servant leadership concept of O.N.E is enough. Here’s a recap/summary. Enjoy!

Serving the ONE,

Initials Signature Blog

[Read more…]

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Right Where He Wants Us

Every now and then… I need to be encouraged.

Life can get a little ooey on occasions– I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m still super blessed, but life (for me OR you) isn’t easy. If it was, it wouldn’t be called earth… It would be called heaven.

But unfortunately for those of us in the here and now, we live in a fallen world. (Thanks a lot Adam and Eve! Oh, who am I kidding– if they didn’t mess it up, somebody else would have come along 20 seconds later, listened to that Satanic snake and jacked it up for us regardless. But I’m not bitter. It’s fine.) [Read more…]

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Stirred, Not Shaken

There are several things in life that are meant to be shaken, not stirred.

Take Shake-N-Bake for instance. I mean, you literally have to shake up that delectable piece of chicken in a plastic bag filled with the coating. Stirring is simply not a legitimate alternative.

Or what about mixing formula in a baby bottle? I don’t know many folks that have had much success with stirring formula. Shaking is easier and more efficient, so why not?

And of course we can’t forget good ol’ 007 James Bond’s love for shaken, not stirred martinis. (Fun fact: I’ve never had a martini, shaken, stirred or otherwise.) [Read more…]

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Bad things. Good People. Great God.

I have heard this phrase in many conversations. I have witnessed it on Facebook statuses. I have even seen it on a billboard.

“Why do bad things happen to good people?”

That is a good question. And a tough one at that. I’m not gonna get all theological on you today (my brain isn’t quite up for that level of discussion) but I think that “Bad things” happen to “Good people” due to sin. [Read more…]

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A Latte Love from Fort Benning Bayonet

It’s the big day, folks! The story about our latest “Factor of 7” (Latte Love) where we bought $107 worth of coffee for unsuspecting customers at Starbucks has appeared in the Fort Benning Bayonet. This is truly a blessing from God. AMERICA! [Read more…]

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To All His Good and Faithful Servants

God’s love and affirmation can come in my forms…

God speaks to us in many ways… Sometimes it is through Scripture. Occasionally through song. Or another person.

And sometimes, He just straight up talks to us. However– we have to be willing to listen.

Today’s post isn’t eloquent or hilarious or exceptionally creative. It is a loving word I received from Him during the last few moments of my sabbatical in Pine Mountain this past weekend. [Read more…]

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