Bad things. Good People. Great God.

In lieu of the holiday season, I am taking a quick breather (for a couple of weeks) from cranking out lots of fresh material. There will still be blogs posted, some new, some reposts. Like this one. I pray it speaks to your heart today!


I have heard this phrase in many conversations. I have witnessed it on Facebook statuses. I have even seen it on a billboard.

“Why do bad things happen to good people?”

That is a good question. And a tough one at that. I’m not gonna get all theological on you today (my brain isn’t quite up for that level of discussion) but I think that “Bad things” happen to “Good people” due to sin. [Read more…]

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Stirred, Not Shaken

There are several things in life that are meant to be shaken, not stirred.

Take Shake-N-Bake for instance. I mean, you literally have to shake up that delectable piece of chicken in a plastic bag filled with the coating. Stirring is simply not a legitimate alternative.

Or what about mixing formula in a baby bottle? I don’t know many folks that have had much success with stirring formula. Shaking is easier and more efficient, so why not?

And of course we can’t forget good ol’ 007 James Bond’s love for shaken, not stirred martinis. (Fun fact: I’ve never had a martini, shaken, stirred or otherwise.) [Read more…]

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Just GO

As I child, I didn’t get out much. (Hey, we lived on a farm. In the country. At least 15-25 miles from a legitimate restaurant. In fact, the first 10 years of my life found us 90 miles from the nearest Wal-Mart. Seriously.) So when we did get the chance to go ANYWHERE as a family, I wanted to know WHERE we were going… Immediately.

“HEY! WHERE ARE WE GOING!?!” (Imagine this forceful statement in your best childlike slightly whiny/curious voice.)

For those of you who haven’t met my beloved Daddy, he is something of a smart aleck. (Good thing that’s not hereditary, right?) Whenever I asked this oh-so-vital question, it was met with one of the following answers: [Read more…]

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“Uh, You Better Answer That.” (Five Minute Friday)

Well folks, it’s that time again. Friday already. I know, right? Time flies when you are living for Jesus.

You know the rules… I link up with The Gypsy Mama. She gives us a prompt. We write. For 5 minutes flat. No overthinking. No editing.

So without further ado… here we go.

Todays prompt: OPPORTUNITY

GO! [Read more…]

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Blessed Abundantly (Versatile Blogger Award)

God just keeps pouring on the blessings to this ministry. Wowzers. (Sidenote: Wowzers is a super fun word.)

This week, I was nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award. I’m humbled. I’m flattered.

I’m stinkin’ excited. [Read more…]

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Bad things. Good People. Great God.

I have heard this phrase in many conversations. I have witnessed it on Facebook statuses. I have even seen it on a billboard.

“Why do bad things happen to good people?”

That is a good question. And a tough one at that. I’m not gonna get all theological on you today (my brain isn’t quite up for that level of discussion) but I think that “Bad things” happen to “Good people” due to sin. [Read more…]

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To All His Good and Faithful Servants

God’s love and affirmation can come in my forms…

God speaks to us in many ways… Sometimes it is through Scripture. Occasionally through song. Or another person.

And sometimes, He just straight up talks to us. However– we have to be willing to listen.

Today’s post isn’t eloquent or hilarious or exceptionally creative. It is a loving word I received from Him during the last few moments of my sabbatical in Pine Mountain this past weekend. [Read more…]

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