The Holy Spirit’s Gift to Us: Enlighten, Encourage, Engage (Part 3)

A lot of the following information was adapted from G.I.F.T.E.D to Serve Curriculum that Kelli Wommack and I co-wrote when I was stationed at Fort Benning. I recently delivered this info via a sermon at Paseo, so buckle up for Part 3 of 3!  (Catch up on Part 1 and Part 2 if you are just joining our little Jesus party.  


The next step to encourage our spiritual gifts within the church for God’s glory is to ENGAGE. Friends, hear me when I say: There is no one else who can do what God has called you to do like you do it. That’s why He called YOU!!

Before we get too far into this, there are a couple of things to note. In the book “Experiencing God,” Henry and Richard Blackaby share that spiritual gifts are not things in and of themselves, but an expression of God working through us. The exercise of a spiritual gift is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

They also state that God’s assignment to us comes first, and gifting follows. So engaging our gifts is not just about putting gifts to use; it’s also about getting involved in what God has called us to do and trusting that He will equip us. [Read more…]

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The Holy Spirit’s Gift to Us: Enlighten, Encourage, Engage (Part 2)

A lot of the following information was adapted from G.I.F.T.E.D to Serve Curriculum that Kelli Wommack and I co-wrote when I was stationed at Fort Benning. I recently delivered this info via a sermon at Paseo, so buckle up for Part 2 of 3!  (If you missed Part 1, catch up here.


After we have been enlightened about what gifts the Holy Spirit has so generously bestowed upon us, we must encourage them to grow.

Matthew 25:14-28 shares the Parable of the Talents. Do you remember what the first two servants do with their talents? That’s right! They invested them and doubled it for the master. Remember the response from the master to those servants?

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’’ ~Matthew 25:21

But what did that third servant do? Yep, he buried his talent. He stored it away because he was afraid. Remember the response of the master to that servant? [Read more…]

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The Holy Spirit’s Gift to Us: Enlighten, Encourage, Engage (Part 1)

A lot of the following information was adapted from G.I.F.T.E.D to Serve Curriculum that Kelli Wommack and I co-wrote when I was stationed at Fort Benning. I recently delivered this info via a sermon at Paseo, so buckle up for Part 1 of 3! 


Happy November! Halloween is gone, and Thanksgiving is fast approaching which means it’s practically Christmas, right? Anyone else listening to Christmas music yet? The bible says not to judge so it’s fine…

Speaking of Christmas… (or birthdays, anniversaries, other special occasions) Have you ever received a gift that is just awkward? Perhaps it was given with good intention but you open it and you are like…Oh yay. An orange wool sweater with fuzzy pom pom things all over them. Thanks, Aunt Trudy.

You whisper the silent prayer that God will grant you the one desire that the gift receipt is included.

That’s happened to me on more than one occasion. I try to be a gracious recipient. But… [Read more…]

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Soul Generated by Love: A Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr

Happy MLK Day, my friends! I wanted to re-share a post (and an accompanying image) I created a couple of years ago. Enjoy! 


Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. day.

This day means much more than just a day off of school and no mail delivery.

Whenever I think of the great MLK, I think of service. I ran across this quote a couple of months ago and have been waiting to work up a graphic and share it with you.

Now seems like the perfect time. [Read more…]

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10 Ways to Show Love to Someone who Loves a Veteran

Ah, Veterans.

Veterans are amazing. Dedicated. Courageous. Focused. Determined. They are willing to lay it all on the line to serve our country.

Just that thought alone makes me want to stand in the middle of my street wearing a pearl-snap American flag shirt singing “The Star Spangled Banner” at the top of my lungs. (If only I had that shirt…)


And yes, I am extra-biased because I just happen to be married to a veteran. One that has been rocking the army-infantry blue for over a decade, deployed three times for 45+ months in the Iraqi sandbox. (I can brag on him if I want to, right? OK, good.)

Each Veteran’s Day, we make efforts to show those who have served how much appreciate them. Which is awesome. I wish everyday were Veteran’s Day.

But here is a new way to honor veterans. Maybe one we haven’t thought much about before.

Honor veteran’s by showing love to someone who loves them. [Read more…]

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When More Is Not Enough (Book Review & Giveaway)

My daughter is a smidge over a year and a half old. She is saying several dozen words, but her current favorite word comes as no surprise:


Everything is more. More milk. More fun. More whatever-is-in-mama’s-salad-bowl. More, more, more, more, MORE.

It is (kind of) cute right now. However, as she grows, we are gonna put the whoa on this more business.

When More is not enoughWhich is a great theory. But can be difficult in our society of more, bigger, better, faster, me, me, me.

Fortunately, there is an AH-MAZ-ING new tool that all of us Jesus-loving parents can add to our arsenal.

Amy’s new book, “When More Is Not Enough: How to stop giving your kids what they want and start giving them what they need.”

Check out the book trailer below (or if you are reading via email, click here.) Then keep reading for more details (AND A GIVEAWAY!)  [Read more…]

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What you do makes a difference

We’ve probably all heard that theory about how a butterfly beating its wings can have an impact throughout the world.

Now, I can’t totally prove that to be true, but I can promise you that each small act of love or quest to glorify God can have huge ramifications– in a very positive way.

I believe many folks are under the impression that if you are going to do something, you have to go big. Yes, I have had my fair share of class projects or creative challenges that I have went above and beyond to get that “A” or make something memorable. (Or make my teachers roll their eyes. Whichever.)

But we forget that we can make a difference, even when we are living out the “mundane” of our everyday lives. [Read more…]

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Soul Generated by Love (MLK)

Next Monday is Martin Luther King, Jr. day.

This day means much more than just a day off of school and no mail delivery.

Whenever I think of the great MLK, I think of service. I ran across this quote a couple of months ago and have been waiting to work up a graphic and share it with you.

Now seems like the perfect time. [Read more…]

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O.N.E is Enough (Message Recap)

In a world of more, it’s hard to understand and fully grasp the concept that One  is enough. When it comes to loving and serving others, this is exceptionally true. As we enter into the holiday season, it is a great time to embrace this concept.

Recently, I had the opportunity to address about 250 students at the 2013 Family Career and Community Leaders of America District H Conference in Garnett, KS. God put this idea of servant leadership concept of O.N.E is enough. Here’s a recap/summary. Enjoy!

Serving the ONE,

Initials Signature Blog

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One is Enough: A Personal Reminder

Ministry is HARD. Heck, who I am I kidding– LIFE is hard!! And exhausting. And confusing. Yet depending on how we live our lives– it can be incredibly rewarding.

As I was driving to work yesterday, my heart was heavy… My Facebook ministry page was ticking me off, because FB decided to start filtering who sees what posts. Which means sometimes only 10% of followers will see these posts unless I literally PAY to promote it.

But I digress. SIGH.

I was thinking… “Lord, does this really matter? What am I working for? Is it worth it?” [Read more…]

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