Freedom from Pornography: #PureEyesCleanHeart Giveaway

We live in a world of very mixed messages. Sometimes it is hard to keep all of those messages straight. Jesus says one thing. The world says another.

Unfortunately, some of those messages are accompanied by bondage.

Some messages take away our freedom.

Pornography is one. [Read more…]

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Happy “Dependence” Day (And no, that’s not a typo)

Today’s post is a blast from the past… Enjoy! 


In case you didn’t get the memo via the numerous Facebook posts, the shortage of hotdogs and burgers at the store, or the large late night explosive sounds…

It’s Independence Day. Happy 4th of July!

Today, we celebrate our freedom. What a blessing it is to live in the United States! (Somebody bring me a sparkler!!)

But even more than our patriotic freedom… Let’s celebrate our freedom in Christ. When He took His last breath on the cross, our chains were broken. We were no longer bonded by sin.

We have a hope and a future… And that’s even more awesome than fireworks and cookouts. [Read more…]

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Happy “Dependence” Day (And no, that’s not a typo)

In case you didn’t get the memo via the numerous Facebook posts, the shortage of hotdogs and burgers at the store, or the large late night explosive sounds…

It’s Independence Day. Happy 4th of July!

Today, we celebrate our freedom. What a blessing it is to live in the United States! (Somebody bring me a sparkler!!)

But even more than our patriotic freedom… Let’s celebrate our freedom in Christ. When He took His last breath on the cross, our chains were broken. We were no longer bonded by sin.

We have a hope and a future… And that’s even more awesome than fireworks and cookouts. [Read more…]

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God Only Knows Where We’d Be

I was never a crier. I was the tough girl. I once went through an entire semester at college without crying.

And then I fell in love. With a soldier. And with Jesus.

At one point in my life, my heart was hardened. I was not compassionate and completely confident that I could make “it” on my own. Tears were not an issue. I had it together.

And then I feel in love. With a soldier. And with Jesus. [Read more…]

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He Forgave You– Now Forgive Yourself Too.

“If only I hadn’t… I wish I didn’t… Why can’t I go back… It’s all my fault.”

Regrets. Mistakes. We all have ’em. We’ve all made ’em.

So what are we supposed to do?

This week,  we have been working through reasons why our hearts can be blocked and how we grow apart from Christ. (Click to read the original post here.) Yesterday was all about forgiving others… a hard but necessary topic. [Read more…]

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A Latte Love from Fort Benning Bayonet

It’s the big day, folks! The story about our latest “Factor of 7” (Latte Love) where we bought $107 worth of coffee for unsuspecting customers at Starbucks has appeared in the Fort Benning Bayonet. This is truly a blessing from God. AMERICA! [Read more…]

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In the Bottom of Your Sink

Who would you say that your everyday hero is?

Perhaps it is your spouse? A parent? A child? A mentor? Maybe it’s the law enforcement officers or firefighters or soldiers (or maybe if you are lucky like me, it is your soldier spouse…)

In addition to those awesome hero’s listed above, my hero is any person who had the courage to clean out the drain in the bottom of the kitchen sink. [Read more…]

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