An Ungrateful Heart & a Gentle Thwack between the Eyes (#EverydayJesus)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Some days I feel almost ok about my state of heart when it comes to following Jesus.

Like on days where His patience shines through with my daughter or I manage not to snap at the hubs when the dishes fail to make the two-foot leap from the sink to the dishwasher. Or when I have an extra-awesome quiet time or get a lot of His work done during nap time.

Then there are other days that my sin-nature rears its very, very ugly head and shocks me into an almost speechless mode. (And for those of you who have met me, you know that me + speechless = pretty serious situation.)

This ugliness recently showed up at my breakfast table during my quiet time.  [Read more…]

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Appearance of a Thistle

Hell hath no fury like a rancher going after a batch of musk thistle.

Are all of my non-country/ranchin’ peeps confused? My bad. Let me back up and give you a quick lesson on ranching and horticulture.

Musk thistle is a nasty noxious weed. You know how dandelions spread? Yeah, musk thistles do the same thing. Honestly, they are a kind of a pretty purplish color when they are blooming… but it just takes one weed to go to seed and before you know it, the entire pasture is taken over, choking out the good grass.

Then the cattle have nothing to graze on and what started out as a smallish-weed is now a really big problem. [Read more…]

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Just a Little Splinter

Have you ever thought about how something so teeny tiny can really throw your life in a tizzy?

Consider this… Just missing a payment or two of a school loan can really jack with your credit score. Going just a few miles per hour over the speed limit can impact your driving record when the cop writes out that fateful ticket. Olympic races are sometimes won and lost in just milliseconds.

Sin in our lives is the same way. Just a little “tiny” one, if left unattended, it can really mess with our lives. (Sidenote: there are not “big” and “small” sins… A sin is a sin is a sin. But I think we sometimes consider some “smaller” than others as a means of justifying our actions. But that’s another blog post. Anywho…) I personally think having unrepented sin in our lives is like having a splinter in our finger. [Read more…]

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Cruise Control with Jesus

As of late, I have been driving (and riding) in a car a lot more than normal. In fact, by the time this week is over, I will have logged three round trips to Atlanta (3 hours each) and two round trips to Fort Stewart. (Those are difficult– 8 hours in a car and back without ending up anywhere that involves sandy beaches.)

Driving (and riding) in the car is great “think” time for me. Actually, the car and the shower are my top two places for blog epiphanies.  As I was driving, I had one. Hence, today’s post. [Read more…]

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In the Bottom of Your Sink

Who would you say that your everyday hero is?

Perhaps it is your spouse? A parent? A child? A mentor? Maybe it’s the law enforcement officers or firefighters or soldiers (or maybe if you are lucky like me, it is your soldier spouse…)

In addition to those awesome hero’s listed above, my hero is any person who had the courage to clean out the drain in the bottom of the kitchen sink. [Read more…]

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